Helping to preserve American music
American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC)
Audio albums of American music
from the 17th to 20th centuries available
for musicians, teachers, students, history researchers,
and anyone's listening enjoyment.
Three New Releases!
New AMRC releases 0053-55 are now available -- click here!
Now you can order individual audio tracks!
Order separate audio tracks from
AMRC albums at a low price
and sent directly to you via email attachment
To inquire about ordering any of the 25 audio tracks listed below,
please indicate the AMRC number or music title and write to: pinetreepro@aol.com
Individual Audio Tracks
Please order by its number or title from this list:
+ = First recording
17th and 18th Century
01: +THANKSGIVING and OLD HUNDRED (from Of Plimoth Plantation and The Ainsworth Psalter, 1612) - AMRC 0041
02: MY DAYS HAVE BEEN SO WONDROUS FREE (Francis Hopkinson) -
Earliest American classical song (1759) - AMRC 0015
03: CHESTER (William Billings, 1778 and 1786 versions) - AMRC 000104: +YANKEE DOODLE ( the earliest known version of this song, ca. 1776) -- AMRC 0009
05: THE HEAVENLY VISION (Jacob French, 1786) - AMRC 0046
06: +ODE TO PRESIDENT GEORGE WASINGTON (words: Samuel Low, 1789) - AMRC 0013
19th Century07: SIMPLE GIFTS - Elder Joseph Brackett (1848) - AMRC 0033
08: DIXIE'S LAND (DIXIE) - Daniel D. Emmett (1859) - AMRC 0014
09. +BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC - words: Julia Ward Howe (original choral version) - AMRC 0014
10: WILLIE HAS GONE TO THE WAR - Stephen C. Foster (1863) - AMRC 00
11: FAREWELL FATHER, FRIEND AND GUARDIAN - official funeral hymn for President Abraham Lincoln (1865) - AMRC 0028
12: +GENTLE WORDS - Shaker humility song by Polly M. Rupe (ca. 1867) - arranged by Roger L. Hall - AMRC 0016
13: +HYMN OF PEACE written for the Grand Boston Peace Jubilee, words by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. (1869) - AMRC 003114: +TURN YE, TURN YE - Charles E. Ives (1890) - AMRC 0003
20th Century15. +Song of the Marching Men - Henry Hadley (1919) - AMRC 0011
16. +The Collection - Charles E. Ives (1922) - AMRC 0003
17. +Let This Mind Be In You - Amy Beach (1924) - AMRC 0040
18. +In the bleak midwinter - Katherine K. Davis (1933) - AMRC 004019. +"O Boston" - song for the 350th anniversary of City of Boston, MA in 1980 -- arr. Roger L. Hall - AMRC 0031
20. +GENTLE PEACE - Roger L. Hall (1990) - AMRC 0024
21. JOY TO THE WORLD - Lowell Mason (1848) - AMRC 0034
22. HOW LOVELY SHINES THE MORNING STAR from NOEL Cantata (1909) - George W. Chadwick - AMRC 0003
23. +HAIL TO THE JOYOUS DAY (Christmas) - Roger L. Hall (1977) - AMRC 0010
Patriotic24. +THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER - 19th century choral version (ca. 1860) - AMC 0026
25.+LAND OF OUR HEARTS (final chorus) - George W. Chadwick (1918) - AMRC 0002
Go Digital!
Now you can get any of the 25 individual music tracks listed above at the reduced price of only $1.00 per track,
and sent directly to you via email attachment so you will receive it faster and without any shipping cost.If you wish to order more than one music track, just click the "Quantity" separately for each title when paying through PayPal.
Your order is payable to PineTree Productions.
Click the "Add To Cart" button below:
Below you will see the titles of the complete collection of 52 CDs
highlighting music in the USA from over 300 years,
many with First Recordings.To see the complete list of AMRC CDs -- click here
This special limited edition CD is available
to help support the important work of
the Center for American Music Preservation:
To order this CD -- click here
About AMRC
The American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC) is a small independent music label designed to provide recordings of American music.
The emphasis is on choral works, songs (classical, folk, popular) and some instrumental music.
There are two music series which are available with 4 CDs in each one:
American Shaker MusicAmerican Film Composers
This entire collection has been prepared under the direction of Album Producer, Roger Hall, who is a respected music preservationist and a musicologist.
He is also the Director of the Center for American Music Preservation (or CAMP).
Many of the albums have Premiere Recordings and were recorded in live concerts. To see the complete list of AMRC CDs -- click here
For questions about any of the AMRC albums or individual music titles (sent via email) -- click here
Three New AMRC Releases:
0053: "IN THE MOOD: Popular Music On Radio
Highlights from the 4-hour nightly radio program hosted by Roger Hall
with popular music from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, especially Big Bands and Popular singers.
0054: Film Music and The Sammy Film Music Awards, 1979-1995
25 selections from Boston public radio programs with guest, Roger Hall, plus interviews with Aaron Copland and Virgil Thomson about their film music.
0055: Ten American Composers(18th - 20th Centuries)
18th Century:
01 - CHESTER - William Billings (1778 and 1786 version)
02 - ANTHEM OF THANKSGIVING - William Billings
03 - CORONATION - Oliver Holden
04 - THE LORD IS GOOD TO ALL - Oliver Holden19rh Century:
05 - GIVE US THIS DAY - Stephen Foster
06 - WE ARE COMING FATHER ABRAAM, 300,000 MORE - Stephen Foster
07 - OLD STOUGHTON - Edwin A. Jones
08 - THE LORD IS KING - Edwin A. Jones
09 - TURN YE, TURN YE - Charles E. Ives
10 - EASTER CAROL - Charles E. Ives
11 - CHORALE (Noel) - George W. Chadwick
12 - LAND OF OUR HEARTS - George W. Chadwick
13 - MASS IN E (Qui Tollis) - Amy Beach
14 - MASS IN E (Quoniam Tu Solus) - Amy Beach
20th Century:
15 - SONG OF THE MARCHING MEN - Henry Hadley
16 - I SING OF A MAIDEN - Katherine K. Davis
17 - IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER - Katherine K. Davis
18 - DEDICATION - Roger L. Hall (Old Stoughton Musical Society Bicentennial, 1986)
To order any of the AMRC CDs listed below, please indicate the CD number and to order go to the order page --- click here
+AMRC 0001: Best of William Billings
+AMRC 0002: "Make A Joyful Noise" - The New England Harmony (Six Composers)
+AMRC 0003: "Praise Ye The Lord" -Six Composers From New England
AMRC 0004: Memorial Music for Samuel Barber, Charles T. Griffes, Randall Thompson
AMRC 0005: A Conversation with 20th century composer, Aaron CoplandAMRC 0006: A Conversation with 20th century composer, Virgil Thomson
+AMRC 0007: "Blended Together" - Interviews with Shaker Singers+AMRC 0008: "Great God of Nations" - A conversation about composer, Edwin Arthur Jones
AMRC 0009: "Yankee Doodle" - An American Song Treasury
AMRC 0010: "New Bethlehem" - Christmas Music From New England
AMRC 0011: "Swanee" - A Century of American Songs, 1819-1919
+AMRC 0012: "Lincoln and Liberty" - Music From Abraham Lincoln's Era
+AMRC 0013: "A Toast" - Music of George Washington's Time
+AMRC 0014: "Glory, Hallelujah"- Songs and Hymns of the Civil War Era
+AMRC 0015: "My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free" - Songs by Francis Hopkinson
+AMRC 0016: "Gentle Words" - A Shaker Music Sampler
+AMRC 0017: "Celestial Praises" - A Celebration of Shaker Spirituals
AMRC 0018: Oscar Meets SammyAMRC 0019: Aaron Copland on Film Music
AMRC 0020: Henry Mancini Radio Tributes
AMRC 0021: John Williams Radio Tributes
AMRC 0022 - Bernard Herrmann Radio Tributes
AMRC 0023: "Auld Lang Syne" - American Holiday Songs and Carols
+AMRC 0024: "Gentle Peace" - A Sampler of Songs and Instrumentals by Roger Lee Hall
+AMRC 0025: "Creator God" - Hymns and Spirituals by Roger Lee Hall
AMRC 0026: "Chester" - Music in Old New England (radio documentary)
+AMRC 0027: "Peace" - A Dedication Concert
+AMRC 0028: American Places - Musical Travels
+AMRC 0029: "Song of Our Saviour" - A Cantata by Edwin Arthur Jones (1881)+AMRC 0030: "Easter Concert" - An Oratorio by Edwin Arthur Jones (1890)
+AMRC 0031: "Musick in Old Boston" -The Jubilee 350 Concert#
+AMRC 0032: "The Liberty Song" - From American Revolution to World War I
+AMRC 0033: "Simple Gifts" - A Shaker Song Revisited
+AMRC 0034: "Hail To The Joyous Day!" - American Christmas Music
+AMRC 0035: Music from Alexander Hamilton's Era
+AMRC 0036: "We Gather Together" - Treasures of Earlier American Song
+AMRC 0037: "Dedication" - American Choral Sampler
+AMRC 0038: "Old Folks Concert Tunes" - Father Kemp and Old Folks Concerts
+AMRC 0039: Earlier American Music Top 20+AMRC 0040: Five American Women Composers
AMRC 0041: "Shout to Jehovah" - Music of Pilgrims, Puritans, Indians and Tunesmiths
+AMRC 0042: "Search Thou My Heart" - Music by Roger Lee Hall
AMRC 0043: "I Got Rhythm" - George Gershwin Radio Tributes
+AMRC 0044: "Brave America" - American History in Song, 1770-1876+AMRC 0045: "The Star-Spangled Banner" - Early Songs of Protest and Patriotism
+AMRC 0046: "The Heavenly Vision" - Old Stoughton Music Sampler
+AMRC 0047: "New Jerusalem" - The Stoughton Harmony
+AMRC 0048: "My Shaker Home" - Words & Music by Shaker Sisters
+AMRC 0049: America's Singing History - Volume One, 1759-1859
+AMRC 0050: America's Singing History - Volume Two, 1860-1959
AMRC 0051 -"As Time Goes By" - Listener's Guide to Film Music
+AMRC 0052: "The Humble Heart" - 24 Shaker Spirituals
To order any of the CD titles listed above -- go here
Please note: The above CDs contain music intended for educational or personal use.
If you wish to record any of the music, you can inquire about the reasonable fee for its use -- click here
Any CD orders help the American Music Recordings Collection continue its preservation mission of making available historical American music.
American Shaker Music Series
The five CDs listed below feature words & music by the Shakers,
some of it among the America's earliest religious folk music.
edited and arranged by composer, Roger Lee Hall.
They are available exclusively here.
Order a CD and hear this beautiful spiritual music
and featuring original Shaker tunes
and arranged tunes by modern day composers.
A Shaker Music Sampler
AMRC 0016
A Celebration of Shaker Spirituals
AMRC 0017
A Shaker Song Revisited
AMRC 0033
Words & Music by Shaker Sisters
AMRC 0048
Twenty-four Shaker Spirituals
AMRC 0052
To order any of the above Shaker music CD albums -- click here
American Film Composers Series
Aaron Copland on His Film Music (0005)
Virgil Thomson On His Film Music (0006)
Henry Mancini On Radio (0020)
John Williams Radio Tributes (0021)
Order one audio track from this release,
"The Discovery" from M SQUAD -- click here
Bernard Herrmann Radio Tributes (0022)
These CDs feature
an exclusive in-person interview with Aaron Copland and Virgil Thomson,
plus radio tributes to Henry Mancini, John Williams and Bernard Herrmann,
all compiled by Roger Hall, Managing Editor of Film Music Review.
These CDs are for educational use by researchers, teachers, students, and film music listeners
and are not for any commercial use.To order any of the five AMRC CDs listed above -- click here
After you have sent in your payment,
send an e-mail and mention the AMRC track title you wish to receive
and also your email address where the track will be sent by email attachment.
Send your track title to:
Thank you for your order!
A few CDs with American Composers
Amy Cheney Beach (0040) and George W. Chadwick (0010)
Charles E. Ives (0003) and Edwin A. Jones (0029, 0030)
Complete List of AMRC CDs
List of all AMRC CD Releases with music from the 17th to 20th centuries!
+ = CDs with Premiere Recordings = 36 releases!
AMRC CDs 0001-0052
AMRC No. 0001:21 Tracks (Total Playing Time = 70:45)
1. Canon: Thus Saith The High The Lofty One (1770)
2. MAJESTY (1778)+
3. CHESTER (1778 and 1786)
6. Interview with Roger Hall on WGBH-FM in Boston (1985)
7. MODERN MUSIC (1781)
8. STOUGHTON (1770)- edited by Roger Hall+
9. CLAREMONT (1794)
11. ASSURANCE (1781)
13. Interview on WGBH radio with Roger Hall and David P. McKay (1986)
14. CHARITY ANTHEM (1794)+
15. SHARON (1778) - edited by Roger Hall+
16. CRUCIFIXION (1786)+
17. THE PLEASURES OF VARIETY+ - music by Roger Hall, 1980, text by William Billings
18. DEDICATION+ - music by Roger Hall, 1986, text by William Billings
20. CHESTER (1786) - radio broadcast
+ = Premiere recordings = 10
This book is available separately:
Read more about William Billings -- click here
AMRC No. 0002:
"Make A Joyful Noise" - The New England Harmony
Music by six New England composers from the 18th century:
Supply Belcher, William Billings, Jacob French, Oliver Holden, Jeremiah Ingalls, and Daniel Read.
To see the complete list of 15 titles on this CD -- click here
AMRC No. 0003:
"Praise Ye The Lord" - Six Composers From New England
Music by six New England composers from the 19th and early 20th centuries with rarely heard music, including the a Hymn for the New Year and a piano waltz by the blind composer, Oliver Shaw; the 1872 Peace Jubilee hymn and the official U.S. Centennial Cantata by Dudley Buck; a Dartmouth College Glee Club chorus by Edwin Arthur Jones, the Dartmouth Class President in 1876; a rousing World War I era patriotic chorus finale by George Whitefield Chadwick; and two early choruses by Charles Edward Ives -- all of them are First Recordings.
Twelve of them are premmiere recordings and all of them were recorded live in concerts by The Old Stoughton Musical Society Orchestra, Chorus and Soloists;
Richard Hill, organist and Edward Wood, pianist.
Conductors: Earl Eyrich (Nos. 1,4, 5, 7, 12, 14, 15) Raymond Fahrner (8) , Roger Hall (3, 9, 11, 13).Click on the links to hear complete listening examples.
+ = First Recording
I. Oliver Shaw (1779-1848)
1. Hymn for the New Year (1819)+ (1) -- listening example
2. The Stoughton Waltz (1839)+ - Edward Wood, pianist
II. Lowell Mason (1792-1872)
3. Jerusalem, My Glorious Home+ - listening example
III. Dudley Buck (1839-1909)4. Festival Hymn+ -- words and music by Dudley Buck, composed for World's Peace Jubilee held in Boston, Massachusetts in 1872
and performed from the piano-vocal score.
5. Centennial Meditation of Columbia+ -- a cantata for the official United States Centennial in 1876
based on a patriotic poem by Sidney Lanier and performed from the piano-vocal score.
IV. Edwin Arthur Jones (1853-1911)6. Organ: Prelude and Fugue in G minor (1878)+ - Richard Hill, organist
7. Dartmouth Glee Club Chorus: "Praise Ye The Lord" (1874)+8. Cantata Aria: "How Beautiful Upon The Mountains" from the cantata, Song of Our Saviour (1881) +
9. Chorus: "The Lord is King" from the oratorio, Easter Concert (1890)+ -- listening example
V. George Whitefiled Chadwick (1854-1931)
10. Prelude: "The Star" from the cantata, Noel (1909) - Richard Hill, organist
11. Chorale: "How Lovely Shines The Morning Star" from Noel (1909) -- listening example12. Chorus: "LAND OF OUR HEARTS" (words: John Hall Ingham, 1918) - Finale (piano-vocal score)+
VI. Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954)13. Chorus: "Turn ye, Turn ye" (1890)+
14. Chorus and Bass Soloist: "Easter Carol" (1892)+ - listening example
15. Soprano Soloist and Chorus: "The Collection" (1922)
+ = First Recording = 12 of the 15 titles
© All the above music from the American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC)
To order this AMRC CD 0003 -- go here
AMRC No. 0004:
Memorial Music for Charles Tomlinson Griffes, Samuel Barber, Randall Thompson
These performances are from concerts during the 1980s, paying tribute to three distinguished American composers:
I. Charles Tomlinson Griffes (1884-1920) -- 100th Anniversary of His Birth
(1984 concert)
--Two Sketches on American Indian Themes (1918-19) --
for string quartet
II. Samuel Barber (1910-1981) -- A Memorial Tribute
(1981 concert)
--Let Down The Bars, O Death (1942) -- for SATB chorus
III. Randall Thompson (1899-1984) -- In Memoriam
(1984 concert)
--Ode to the Virginian Voyage (1957) -- A cantata for SATB chorus and piano in seven movements -- composed for the 350th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607--Farewell (1973) -- for SATB chorus
AMRC No. 0005:
A Conversation with Aaron Copland
This lengthy conversation with composer Aaron Copland took place at his home in Cortlandt, New York in 1980.
The interviewer was composer and musicologist, Roger Hall.
In this conversation Aaron Copland speaks about many topics, including his ballet score for APPALACHIAN SPRING
and his arrangements of the Shaker dancing song, "Simple Gifts." Also discussed are his admiration for Leonard Bernstein, Natalie Boulanger, and Serge Koussevitsy.See also:
Aaron Copland on Film Music (AMRC 0019)
AMRC No. 0006:
A Conversation with Virgil Thomson
This interview with composer Virgil Thomson took place at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, Maryland on 18 April 1979.
The interviewer was composer and musicologist, Roger Hall.
Virgil Thomson speaks about film music in general and in particular his scores for two Depression Era documentary films for Pare Lorenz:
THE PLOW THAT BROKE THE PLAINS (1936) and THE RIVER (1937).Thomson mentions his folk hymn arrangements, especially RESIGNATION ("My Shepherd will supply my need").
He also discusses his music for the Robert Flaherty's documentary film LOUISIANA STORY (1948), for which he received the first Pulitzer Prize for a film score.
In addition, Thomson also talks about his score for his only feature film, THE GODDESS (1957).
A portion of this audio interview is included as a Special Feature on the Naxos DVD with two 1930s documentary films:
THE PLOW THAT BROKE THE PLAINS and THE RIVERA transcript from Roger Hall's conversation with Thomson is included in the book, A GUIDE TO FILM MUSIC.
AMRC No. 0007:
"Blended Together" - Interviews with The Shakers
Compiled and produced by Roger Lee Hall, this is a valuable collection of field recordings with interviews and singing by four Shaker sisters during the 1970s and 1980s.
AMRC No. 0008:
"Great God Of Nations" - Life and Music of E.A. Jones
A collection of music by Massachusetts composer, Edwin Arthur Jones (1853-1911), a composer that respected 19th century Boston writer, Edward Everett Hale, called:
"one modest man who knows the power of music." Also interviews with two women who knew about the life of E.A. Jones. Plus highlights from his music.
AMRC No. 0009:
"Yankee Doodle" - An American Song Treasury
A collection of songs highlighting three centuries of music from 1620 to 1920.
AMRC No. 0010:
"New Bethlehem" - Christmas Music in New England
Twenty Christmas carols and hymns from New England composed between 1778 and 1988, and including highlights from a Christmas Eve radio program in 1992.
For see the CD description and track titles -- click here
AMRC No. 0011:
"Swanee" - A Century of American Song (Popular, Folk and Classical), 1819-1919
1. Hymn for the New Year (1819) - Oliver Shaw
2. The E-R-I-E - ballad
3. My Country 'Tis Of Thee (1831) - Samuel Francis Smith
4. Get Off The Track (1844) - Jesse Hutchinson
5. Simple Gifts (1848) - Joseph Brackett Jr.
6. Dixie's Land (Dixie)(1859) - Daniel D. Emmett
7. John Brown and Battle Hymn of the Republic (1861-62)
8. Go Down, Moses (1861) - Afro-American spiritual
9. A Prayer For The Captive (1862) - Cecilia Devere
10. Willie Has Gone To The War (1863) - Stephen C. Foster
11. Weeping Sad And Lonely (When This Cruel Is Over)(1863)
12. Hymn of Peace (1869) - words: Oliver Wendell Holmes/music: M. Keller
13. Home On The Range (1873) - Daniel Kelley & Brewster Higley
14. Grandfather's Clock (1876) - Henry Clay Work
15. How Beautiful Upon The Mountains (1881) - E.A. Jones
16. After The Ball (1892) - Charles K. Harris
17. Waltz (1894) - Charles E. Ives
18. George M. Cohan Medley (1906-1917)
19. Song Of The Marching Men (1919) - Henry K. Hadley
20. Swanee (1919) - George Gershwin & Irving Caesar
AMRC No. 0012:
In Honor of the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial
"Lincoln and Liberty" -- Music from Abraham Lincoln's Era
A collection of music heard during Abraham Lincoln's lifetime and a concluding Hymn of Peace,
with 8 Premiere Recordings, performed by various choruses and ensembles.
To read more about the new multi-media DVD-R with accompanying Listener's Guide and video program featuring performances of the rarely heard Civil War Era hymns by Stephen Foster, go to
AMRC No. 0013:Concerts In Honor of the George Washington
"A Toast" -- Music From George Washington's Time
For the list of the music titles on this album -- click here
AMRC No. 0014:
In commemoration of 150th Anniversary
of the Civil War
"Glory, Hallelujah" - Songs and Hymns of the Civil War Era
Includes the First Modern Day Recording of an early published version of "John Brown (aka: John Brown's Body)" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic," plus First Recordings of hymns by Stepehen Foster from the Civil War Era.
AMRC No. 0015:
"My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free" - Songs by Francis Hopkinson
Songs composed by America's first songwriter, Francis Hopkinson (1737-1791), including the first known American classical song in 1759 and songs Hopkinson dedicated to George Washington.
AMRC No. 0016
A selection of Shaker spirituals, sung by various artists and from field recordings by the Shakers. Also, an exclusive interview with composer Aaron Copland about his arrangements of the best known Shaker song, "Simple Gifts," which is included on the CD.
See also this multi-media DVD:
"Give Good Gifts" - Shaker Music in the 20th Century
AMRC No. 0017:
Celestial Praises - A Celebration of Shaker Spirituals
A generous selection of original Shaker spirituals and arrangements by two 20th century composers: Roger Lee Hall and Conrad Held. The performances by The Canterbury Singers also include instrumental accompaniments by two violins, recorder, piano and reed organ.
AMRC No. 0018:
Oscar Meets Sammy - Film Music On Radio
A survey of film music played on two radio stations (WBET-AM and WGBH-FM) over a decade with film music historian, Roger Hall, who is also Managing Editor of Film Music Review (FMR). The selections on radio included movie songs from original soundtracks from the 1930s and 1940s; also film score selections from films from 1940s to 1990s like, THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER (Bernard Herrmann), and JFK (John Williams). Also, several of the early Sammy Film Music Awards were announced on WGBH-FM: "Music America" with Ron Della Chiesa.
AMRC No. 0019:
16 tracks (Total playing time = 63:51)
Featuring a rare 1960s television program titled "Music for the Movies" with host Aaron Copland speaking about his film scores and including excerpts from THE CITY (1939), OUR TOWN (1940), SOMETHING WILD (1961). Note: This rare program was taped directly from a live telecast and not up to today's digital standards but is still very listenable. There is also an interview by Roger Hall with Aaron Copland about his film music.
See the transcript from an interview with Copland in this book:
"As Time Goes By" - A GUIDE TO FILM MUSIC: Songs and Scores
See also this tribute:
Lifetime Achievement Sammy Award in honor of Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
AMRC No. 0020:
15 tracks (Total playing time = 67:11)
This CD includes a special radio tribute from 1989 by Roger Hall with some of Mancini's early music from television and movies, such as PETER GUNN and THE PINK PANTHER. Also included is a 1991 call-in radio program with Henry Mancini as the guest with some of his best known film music included.
See also:
"Moon River" - Memories of Henry Mancini
AMRC No. 0021:Film Music of John Williams on Radio
10 tracks (Total playing time = 65:51)
In honor of his 80th birthday in 2012, this special CD contains film music by John Williams featured on radio, including a birthday tribute and several Sammy Awards for John Williams film music, announced by Roger Hall as a guest on WGBH radio in Boston.
Also included are rare excerpts from the first two concerts John Williams conducted with the Boston Pops in 1979-1980 with music from SUPERMAN, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.
See the birthday tribute at this link:
John Williams: A Birthday Tribute
AMRC No. 0022:
Bernard Herrmann Radio Tributes
22 tracks (Total playing time = 74:28)
Several radio tributes by film music historian and critic, Roger Hall, including a birthday tribute to Bernard Herrmann,
and selections from Herrmann's film scores like CITIZEN KANE and VERTIGO.See also this multimedia computer disc title:
OBSESSION: A Tribute to Bernard Herrmann
AMRC No. 0023:
"Auld Lang Syne" - American Holiday Songs and Carols
Two centuries of rare and familiar music for American holidays by William Billings, George Chadwick, Stephen Foster, E.A. Jones, Henry Hadley, Charles Ives, and other composers.
These two CDs feature music by Roger Lee Hall, who is composer-in-residence for the American Music Recordings Collection.
To see the list of his compositions available from PineTree Music --click here
AMRC No. 0024:
+Gentle Peace - A Sampler of Songs and Insturmentals
See the song "Peace" (Op. 21, No. 2) performed in a concert by a flute quartet on YouTube -- click here
AMRC No. 0025:
+Creator God - Hymns and Spirituals
AMRC No. 0026:
"Chester" - Music in Old New England, 1778-1878
A radio documentary about music in New England from the First Fall Music Festival
held in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Compiled and narrated by OSMS Historian, Roger Hall.
AMRC No. 0027:
#+"Peace" - A Dedication Concert (1981)
A concert celebrating the centennial of Stoughton Town Hall
with the Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus, conducted by Roger Hall
Read more about this special concert CD including First Recordings -- click here
AMRC No. 0028:
Important Note: This CD is Not Available for the reduced price.
+AMERICAN PLACES - Musical Travels
Margaret Ulmer, piano, with Eric Sosman, bass-baritone and narrator
A musical journey across regions of the United States of America
featuring folk song arrangements and original works
by American composers from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Read more about this enjoyable CD in limited supply -- click here
AMRC No. 0029:
#+"Song of Our Saviour," Op. 16 (1881)
Cantata by Edwin Arthur Jones for Soloists, Chorus, Organ and OrchestraRead about the World Premiere performance of this majestic cantata - click here
AMRC No. 0030:
#+"Easter Concert," Op. 28 (1890) -
An Oratorio by Edwin Arhtur JonesTo read about two Premiere Performances of this oratorio
and hear music samples - click here
AMRC No. 0031:
"Musick in Old Boston" - The Jubilee 350 Concert
194th Annual Concert of the The Old Stoughton Musical Society in 1980
celebrating Jubilee 350 in Boston, with several Premiere Recordings.
Now available in remastered .WAV music files.
For the titles on the CD -- click here
AMRC No. 0032:
#+"The Liberty Song" -
From American Revolution to World War I
Read more about this CD -- click here
AMRC No. 0033:
+Simple Gifts - A Shaker Song Revisited
Also available separately are two informative multimedia computer discs--
Read about this computer disc with music, interviews, concert video clips and book about the Shaker song -- click here
Book about the Shaker song plus audio and video features --
"Simple Gifts": Great American Folk Song
AMRC No. 0034:
A multimedia computer disc, "Celebrate, Rejoice and Sing!" - Christmas Music in America
is available with book, music albums and concert videos -- click here
AMRC No. 0035:
+Music from Alexander Hamilton's Era
A collection of patriotic music, ballads, theater music, singing master tunes from the era of the important American patriot and politician, Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804). The album covers the Colonial and Federal periods, from 1775 to 1804 (Hamilton's death from a duel). It begins and ends with versions of the best known early American tune, "Yankee Doodle." It also includes the First Recording of the "Ode for President George Washington" from 1789. This CD features 12 Premiere Recordings. It was specially produced by the Center for American Music Preservation (CAMP).
AMRC No. 0036:
+"We Gather Together" - Treasures of Earlier American Song
See this survey of vocal music from the 17th to 19th centuries
with sample music for streaming -- click here
+AMRC 0037: "Dedication" - American Choral Sampler
+AMRC 0038: "Old Folks Concert Tunes"
+AMRC 0039: Early American Music Top 20
+AMRC 0040: Five American Women Composers
AMRC 0041: "Shout to Jehovah" - Pilgrims, Puritans and Tunesmiths
+AMRC 0042: Search Thou My Heart: A Musical life
AMRC 0043:- "I Got Rhythm" - George Gershwin Radio Tributes
AMRC 0044: "Brave America" - American History in Song, 1770-1876
+AMRC 0045: "The Star-Spangled Banner" - Early Songs of Protest and Patirotism
+AMRC 0046: "The Heavenly Vision" - Old Stoughton Music Sampler
+AMRC 0047: "New Jerusalem" - The Stoughton Harmony
+AMRC 0048: "My Shaker Home" - Words & Music by Shaker Sisters
Special Double Album - AMRC 0049-0050
Amereica's Singing History:
A Recorded History, 1759-1959
with 50 songs in two volumes
AMRC 0051:
"As Time Goes By" - Listener's Guide to Film Music
AMRC 0052:
"The Humble Heart" - Twenty-four Shaker Spirituals
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