American Popular Music Series

This is not one of those Top Ten or Top Forty surveys.
Instead, there are over 1,000 music titles listed in this series
which cover over two centuries of essential American music,
including songs, film scores and recordings,
some very familiar and others much less so.

To read the titles, click on these links:

100 Essential Songs of the 20th Century
National Carry A Tune Week Surveys
over 400 tunes chosen by online readers
50 Song Hits - 1963
50 Song Hits - 1962
50 Song Hits - 1961
50 Song Hits - 1960
50 Song Hits - 1959
50 Song Hits - 1958
50 Song Hits - 1957
50 Song Hits - 1956
Essential American Recordings Survey (200 recordings)
100 Essential Film Scores of the 20th Century
Popular Songwriters and The Great American Songbook
America Song History Survey (1759 - 1959)
Twenty Essential Movie Musicals
Top Ten Movie Song Favorites
Additional Links

National Carry A Tune Week [NCAT Week]
New England Song Series [NESS]
Preserving Our Musical Past [POMP]
Remembering Radio
The Sammy Film Music Awards
Store for Publications and CDs