Evolution of the cantata (1879-1881)
Jones had completed his preliminary choral work which he called " Nativity Hymn" in 1879 and submitted it for a nationwide music competition in Ohio.
Only three works received honorable mention in the Cincinnati College of Music competition, judged by Theodore Thomas, the most distinguished conductor in America at that time. He wrote the following statement:
Besides the one which was chosen ["Longfellow's Golden Legend" by Dudley Buck], there were several meritorious, and musician-like works: "Tale of the Viking" and "Eastern Idyll" and "Nativity Hymn" [by E.A. Jones].
In August of 1881, Jones completed his revised version and retitled the cantata:
Song of Our Saviour. It was to be his crowning achievement in music.
World Premiere Performance in 1992
From a local newspaper story:
The Stoughton Journal article gave this announcement:
"On Sunday, May 3, the Old Stoughton Musical Society will conclude its 206th concert season with the world premiere of the piece...The long-lost cantata was discovered in 1980, wrapped in an unmarked brown paper package in the basement of the Stoughton Historical Society.
According to, Raymond Fahrner, director of the musical society, he said it was "a landmark of 19th century American music written in the Romantic style of Brahms and Wagner. It is distinguished by its beautiful melodies, rich and varied harmonies and colorful, dramatic use of the orchestra."
The World Premiere performance was held at St. James Church in
Stoughton, Massachusetts.
The soloists for the premiere performance in 1992 were:
Linda Brookfield, soprano
Donna Ames, alto
Michael Duarte, tenor
Mark Anderson, bass
Richard Hill, organist
The Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus and Orchestra, was conducted by
Dr. Raymond Fahrner, who spent considerable time preparing the cantata for this performance.
Boston Globe article:
There was an article about this World Premiere performance in the Boston Globe newspaper, "Giving life to a lost masterpiece," by William A. Davis on May 4, 1992.
The article credits musicologist Roger Hall, who is also the Jones biographer and a composer too, with discovering the Jones manuscript music at the Stoughton Historical Society back in 1980.
The article mentions that "standing out among the trove of songs and string quartets that Hall unearthed
was Jones' undoubted masterpiece: a cantata entitled 'Song of Our Saviour' that has been compared to the best of Brahms."
Patriot Ledger article:
In this newspaper review, Ken Keuffel Jr. quoted Raymond Fahrner as saying:
"The composer has a great sense of melody. It was well-orchestrated. For a young man (of 28 years old), it was an extraordingary achievement."
Stoughton Journal article:
"Good News!
Old Stoughton Musical Society presented a breathtaking 'Song of Our Saviour'...The 19th century cantata for chorus, orchestra and organ was written by Edward Arthur Jones, local civic leader and composer...It was clearly obvious that many hours went into the performance. The group deserved the standing ovation it received.

Now available on its 30th anniversary...
The complete cantata from the World Premiere performance on May 3, 1992
with soloists,
chorus, organ and orchestra
is now available on a CD (AMRC 0029).
Here are the sections of the Song of Our Savious cantata:
No. 1: Introduction - Orchestra
No. 2a: Recitative - "For God so loved the world" (John 8:16) - Bass soloist
No. 2b: Chorus - "Break forth into joy" (Isaiah 52:9) - Chorus
No. 3: Air - "How beautiful upon the mountains" (Isaiah 52:7) - Alto soloist
No. 4: Chorus - "Awaken thou that sleepest" - Eph. 5:14)
No. 5a: Recitative - "He was oppressed" - Isaiah 53:7 - Tenor soloist
No. 5b: Air - "Greater love hath no man" - St. John 15:13 - Tenor
No. 6: Chorale - "Behold what matchless, tender love" - Chorus
No. 7a: Recitative - "O Lord, why hast made us to err" - Isaiah 63:17 -
Soprano soloist
No. 7b: Air -"If ye love me, keep my commandments" - St. John 14:15
Soprano soloist
No. 8: Trio - "Look unto Me and be saved" - Isaiah 45:22
- Trio for Soprano, Alto, Tenor
No. 9a: Recitative - "Unto Him that loved us" - Rev. 1:5-6 - Bass soloist
No. 9b: "Glory be to God in the highest" - Chorus
No. 9c: "Hallelujah, Amen" - Solo Quartet
No. 9d: Chorus and Solo Quartet (Finale)
Click the link in the box below to hear three excerpts from this cantata and here are the texts:
No. 3: for Alto soloist with orchestra
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publiseth salvation -- ISAIAH 52:7
No. 6: Chorale for chorus
Behold what matchless, tender love,
Hath Christ the Lamb of God;
Who dieth on the cross to save
An unbelieving world.
High as the starry heavens are raised
Above the ground we tread,
So far the riches of His grace
Our highest thoughts exceed.
No. 8: for Soprano, Alto, Tenor soloists, organ and orchestra --
Look unto me and be saved, all the ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is none else. -- ISAIAH 45:22