A Celebration of Earlier America in Song


The 250th Anniversary of
The American Revolution!


"Yankee Doodle"
An American Song Treasury
, 1620-1920
(AMRC CD 0009)




Now you can order any of these music titles:

Arrival in the New World

1. Arrival in the New World from Of Plimoth Plantation by William Bradfortd and Psalm 8

2. Thanksgiving and Psalm 100

American Revolution to U.S. Constitution

3. The New Massachusetts Song of Liberty (tune: BRITISH GRENADIERS) -
words attributed to Dr. Joseph Warren

4. Father and I went down to camp (tune; YANKEE DOODLE)-
words attributed to Edward Bangs, 1776/
choral arrangement by W.A. Fisher

5. Chester - words & music by William Billings, 1778

6. U.S. Constitution Song (tune: YANKEE DOODLE)


New England Singing-Masters

7. The Bird (When I have placed my trust in God)-
music by William Billings, 1790

8. Coronation (All hail the power of Jesus name) -
music by Oliver Holden, 1792

9. Victory (Now shall my head be lifted high) -
music by Daniel Read, 1793


Religious Devotion

10. My Country 'Tis Of Thee (AMERICA) - Samuel F. Smith, 1831

11. Simple Gifts- Shaker dance song by Elder Joseph Brackett, 1848

12. Jerusalem, My Glorious Home - music by Lowell Mason, 1849


North vs. South

13. Dixie's Land (or Dixie) - words & music by Daniel D. Emmett, 1859

14. John Brown and Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1861-62 (original published versions)



1870s to 1890s

15. Peace and Music - words & music by Dudley Buck
(Premiere performance at the World's Peace Jubilee in Boston in 1872)

16. How Beautiful Upon The Mountains - music by Edwin A. Jones, 1881
(aria from "Song of Our Saviour" cantata - World Premiere Recording, 1992)

17. We Gather Together(aka: Prayer of Thanksgiving) -
English translation by Theodore Baker, 1894)



World War I

18. Land of Our Hearts (Finale) - music by George W. Chadwick,1918

19. Song of the Marching Men - music by Henry K. Hadley, 1919

Hymn of Prayer

20. The Collection - music by Charles E. Ives, 1920

Music on this CD by these performers:

New England Conservatory Alumni Chorus
Old Stoughton Musical Society Soloists and Chorus
Plymouth Church Choir
The Union Confederacy

From the American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC),
now you can receive any of the above music titles
separately and receive it via email attachment:

"Yankee Doodle" - An American Song Treasury (AMRC CD)

You can order any of the above music titles for $1.00 per title and
payable by credit card to PineTree Productions, through safe and secure PayPal.

To order any of the audio titles, click the "Add to Cart" button TWO times. Your order will be filled by email attachment and sent anywhere in the World..

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After you have placed your order,
indicate which audio file (or files) you wish
by email attachment download.

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This educational disc is ideal for teachers, students, or history buffs:



About America's oldest choraL society

"Dedication" - Singing in Stoughton, 1762-1992





See the complete catalogue of CDs available at the
American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC) -- click here





See the music available at the

American Music Recordings Archive (AMRA)





See the music programs available for your discussion group,
educational institution, historical society, school
or other organizatrion.

Click this link to view the

Music lectures and workshops



Please remember to credit this website

If you use any information on this website for
an article, research paper, or any other publication,
please give credit to:

Center for American Music Preservation





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© 2016/ Updated: 2025 PineTree Productions. All Rights Reserved for original material on this website including listening examples. Contact: pinetreepro@aol.com