Film Music Review

Now celebrating its 25th anniversary


Web Readers Please Be Aware!

All written reviews on Film Music Review (FMR) are copyrighted
and not to be reprinted without permission.

Unfortunately, a former reviewer has been reprinting his reviews
which were first published on FMR
without credit given to where his reviews first appeared.

Here are several reviews by Steve Vertlieb which first appeared on Film Music Review
and have been reprinted without permission on a fan site and have now been removed on FMR.


First posted on FMR in 2018


First posted on FMR in 2009





These 3 publications are fund-raisers in support of Film Music Review:

New 9th edition of this book


The 8th multi-media edition on DVD-ROM of A GUIDE TO FILM MUSIC
with the book, plus reviews, audio and video files is available -- go here



American Film Composers Series

These five titles are available on AMRC CDs
and are available to help support Film Music Review:



No. 1: "Aaron Copland On Film Music"
(in person interview with the composer in 1980)
AMRC CD 0005


No. 2: "Virgil Thomson On His Film Music"
(in person interview with the composer in 1979)
AMRC 0006

No. 3: "Henry Mancini On Radio"
(radio tribute and conversation with the composer on radio) - AMRC CD 0020



No. 4: "John Williams Radio Tributes"
(radio tributes to the film composer
including the Sammy Film Music Awards)
AMRC CD 0021


No. 5: "Bernard Herrmann Radio Tributes"
(radio tributes including about CITIZEN KANE
and his other film scores)
AMRC CD 0022

Click here to read about how to order any of these 5 AMRC CDs










All The Awards For 2023 Have Been Announced

Go to the International Film Music Critics Association (IFMCA) website:





Now Showing!

Join Film Score Followers on Facebook









"The War of the Worlds" -

A Remembrance
of the Novel, Radio Play, and Film



For Film Noir Fans

Review of a recommended CD -- click here








Please Help Support Film Music Review


This long-running e-zine needs Your Support
so it can continue offering reviews, articles,
film composer tributes, and more.

Please consider purchasing any of the items listed above
to help keep this long-running e-zine on the Web.

Thank you.






New 9th edition now available

new expanded edition from PineTree Press--
go here


























Here are some of the past articles from Film Music Review which have been reprinted with permission:

Aaron Copland talks about Film Music 

An Interview with record producer, James Fitzpatrick

An Interview with record producer, David L. Fuller

Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music 


In Memory:

In addition to his great work on CINESCORES CENTER Jeannot Bouver was also the one who published numerous articles from Soundtrack Magazine on Soundtrack! The Cinemascore and Soundtrack Archive website.
He died on 4 February 2024.

R.I.P. Jeannot, dear friend.

Roger Hall






Read the Special 25th Anniversary Edition
at this new location for

-- click here

All Rights Reserved for all original written material on Film Music Review.
Articles and reviews not to be reprinted without written permission.

To request permission -- click here

For permission, write to:

© 1998-2024








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© 1998-2024 PineTree Productions. All Rights Reserved. No original material to be reprinted without permission. For permission -- click here