Music refines the taste, purifies the heart,
and elevates our nature.
It does more:
it soothes in sorrow, tranquillizes in passion,
and wears away the irritabilities of life.
It intensifies love,
it fires the patriotism,
and makes the altar of our devotion burn
a purer, holier flame.
--quote from W.W. Hall, M.D.,
Hall's Journal of Health for 1862.
Click the links below to hear music streaming examples (© AMRC):
+ = Premiere Recording
I. Pilgrims and Purtians

01. Arrival in the New World and Psalm 8 (Old 124th) - Ainsworth Psalter, 1612
02. Thanksgiving and Psalm 100 (Old 100th) - Ainsworth Psalter
03. Psalm 23 - Low Dutch Tune (Bay Psalm Book, 1698)
04. +100 Psam Tune New - Rev. John Tufts, 1726 (earliest original American religious tune)
II. Early Colonial Songs and The American Revolution

05. My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free (1759) - Francis Hopkinson
(first American art song)
06. +The New Massachusetts Liberty Song (1770) - words: Joseph Warren/
tune: British Grenadiers
and The American Revolution
07. +Father and I Went Down to Camp (1776) - words: Edward Bangs/
tune: Yankee Doodle (arr. by W.A. Fisher)
III. Yankee Tunesmiths
08. Chester (1778) - "Let tyrants shake their iron rod" - words and music: William Billings
09. Coronation (1792) - "O hail the power of Jesus name" - music: Oliver Holden

IV. First Two U.S. Presidents
10. + Ode to President George Washington (1789)-
words: Samuel Low/
tune: God Save The King
(excerpt from the historical play, "The Grand Constitution" in 1987)
11. +Adams and Liberty (1798) - words: Robert Treat Paine/
tune: To Anacreon In Heaven
V. Expansion and Freedom

12. The Star Spangled Banner (1814) - words: Francis Scott Key/
tune: To Anacreon In Heaven (19th century choral version)
13. The Erie Canal - 19th century folk ballad
14. My Country 'Tis of Thee (1831) - words: Samuel F. Smith/
tune: God Save The King
15. +Simple Gifts (1848) - words and music: Elder Joseph Brackett
(Shaker dance song)
VI. President Abraham Lincoln and The Civil War

16. Lincoln and Liberty (1860) - campaign song
17. Dixie's Land (or Dixie) - words and music: Daniel D. Emmett
18. Go Down, Moses (ca. 1861) - Negro spiritual
19. Battle Hymn Of The Republic (1862) - words: Julia Ward Howe/
tune: Glory, Hallelujah (original 19th century version)
20. We Are Coming Father Abraam, 300,000 More (1863) -
music: Stephen Foster
21. Farewell Father, Friend and Guardian (1865) - music: George F. Root/ words: L.M. Dawn
(Funeral song for President Abraham Lincoln)
VII. Official U.S. Centennial Cantata

22. +Centennial Meditation Of Columbia (1876) - words: Sidney Lanier/
music: Dudley Buck
VIII. The 1890s

23. Waltz (1894) - music: Charles Ives
24. We Gather Together (also known as: Prayer of Thanksgiving) -
Dutch melody, arranged by Eduard Kremser
translated by Theodore Baker, 1894
- We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;
He chastens and hastens His will to make known;
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing;
Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own.
- Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine;
So from the beginning the fight we were winning;
Thou, Lord, were at our side, all glory be Thine!
- We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant,
And pray that Thou still our Defender will be;
Let Thy congregation escape tribulation;
Thy Name be ever praised! O Lord, make us free!
American Composers featured in the
American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC)
for teaching or research

18th century

"Majesty" - Best of William Billings
(AMRC 0001)
20 Tracks (Total Time = 70:45)
Music by America's first important American composer of choral music, including these tunes: CHESTER, CLAREMONT, DAVID'S LAMENTATION, STOUGHTON, MAJESTY. Also, larger works like these: MODERN MUSIC, THANKSGIVING ANTHEM, ANTHEM FROM SUNDRY SOURCES, EUROCLYDON (Anthem For Mariners), and CHARITY.
"Make A Joyful Noise" - The New England Harmony
(AMRC 0004)
Music by six composers from early new England termed "The First New England School": Supply Belcher, William Billings, Jacob French, Oliver Holden, Jeremiah Ingalls, Daniel Read.

19th century
"Praise Ye The Lord" - Music by
Oliver Shaw, Lowell Mason, Dudley Buck,
Edwin A. Jones, George W. Chadwick, Charles E. Ives
(AMRC 0002)
Music by six New England composers from the 19th centuriy with rareely heard music, including the 1872 Peace Jubilee hymn and the official U.S. Centennial Cantata by Dudley Buck; a Dartmouth College glee club chorus by Edwin Arthur Jones; an Easter Carol by Charles Ives; and a rousing World War I era patriotic chorus finale by George Whitefield Chadwick.
Most of these pieces are World Premiere Recordings.

20th century
Memorial Music for Charles T. Griffes, Samuel Barber,
Randall Thompson (AMRC 0003)
A Conversation with Aaron Copland
(AMRC 0005)
The conversation with composer Aaron Copland took place at his home in Cortlandt, New York on 21 July 1980.The interviewer was composer and musicologist, Roger Hall.
A Conversation with Virgil Thomson
(AMRC 0006)
This interview with composer Virgil Thomson took place at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, Maryland on 18 April 1979.The interviewer was composer and musicologist, Roger Hall.