A musical remembrance...

Celebrating his many years as songwriter and composer,
Roger Lee Hall
has written a personal story of how his work in music developed over the years of struggle but also satisfaction
in this PDF book.
The title of his book is taken from the opening line of this hymn:
"Search Thou My Heart (aka: "A New Year's Prayer")
Search thou my heart, O Lord and see,
If anything therein can be,
Of hope or gain or pride of love,
That riseth not to Thee.
Try thou my spirit Lord divine,
And find if in this will of mine,
Is aught of effort or of strength,
That yieldeth not to Thine.
Strike thou I pray thee Lord divine,
What e'er within this life of mine,
Of heart or spirit or of love,
That seemeth false to Thine.
And with thy grace I pray thee then,
Bless thou each noble strife and when,
Thy blessings falls, I'll softly add
In humble tones - Amen.
Poem by Sister Ruth Mildred Barker,
Written for the Beacon Light Club,
Alfred, Maine, January 1, 1921
Melody by Roger Lee Hall, 1983
Harmonized and arranged for SATB chorus in 2011

Listen to this hymn performed by two soloists: Susan Papinsick and Jim Miller
and The Canterbury Singers, Kathryn Southworth, pianist and director --
click here to listen
"Search Thou My Heart" (aka: "A New Year's Prayer")
is included on these two AMRC CDs:

Sister Ruth Mildred Barker (1897-1990)
(Copyright picture by G.M. Hall, 1983)
See the memorial tribute to Sister Mildred Barker
written by Mr. Hall
- click here
This short book tells the personal story of a how a life in music began
and developed over the years.
To order the Search Thou My Heart PDF book
payable through PineTree Productions
at safe and secure PayPal for $11.95
Your order will also include a bonus audio (MP3) song
composed by Roger Lee Hall
Click on this button to order the PDF book:

After you have ordered the book, send your email address
to receive the PDF book directly by email attachment.
Send you email -- here

Also available separately is an AMRC CD with 20 of favorite compositions
over 50 years
by Mr. Hall,
both vocal and instrumental:
1. Song: Dream World (1961)
2. Song: The Soho Serenade (1963)
3. Piano Variations on an Original Oriental Theme (1968)
4. Piano Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune (1971)
5. Gentle Words - Shaker song (1976)
6. Love is Little - Shaker song (1976)
7. Shepherds Carol (1977)
8. Season's End I: Thaw (1979)
9. Season's End II: Spring Bluets (1979)
10. Season's End III: Lovely Hill Torrents (1979)
11. Hymn: Mediation (1979)
12. Anthem: Come Join In One Accord (1980)
13. Afro-American Spiritual: Deep River (1981)
14. Afro-American Spiritual: Standin' in the need of prayer (1981)
15. Psalm, Prayer, Benediction (based on themes by J.S. Bach,1985)
16. Choral song: Dedication (1986)
17. Pacifist song: Peace (1990)
18. Environmental Anthem: Creator God, We Give You Thanks (1993)
19. Variations on "Auld Lang Syne" for keyboard (2000)
20. Hymn: A New Year's Prayer(aka: Search Thou My Heart) (2011)
To order this special AMRC CD 0042 -- go here
See these other collections by Roger Lee Hall...
Memories and Music Series -- click here
PineTree Music Series -- click here

PineTree Music Editions -- click here