CD and DVD Releases
The Shakers are probably America's most prolific religious communal sect when considering the large amount of music they produced with thousands of songs, hymns and anthems from the 18th to 20th centuries.
Contrary to what listeners might think, there are numerous recordings of Shaker music on CDs and they are listed below. There are also some DVDs.
The recordings listed below include those
with Shaker singers from Canterbury, New Hampshire and Sabbathday Lake, Maine as well as
non-Shaker musicians.
There are several
CDs that contain in-person interviews with Shaker sisters,
especially "Blended Together," and are not available anywhere else.
The Shaker spirituals are prime examples of white (or Anglo-American) spirituals,
a religious folk music tradition
lasting over two centuries.
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If you have questions about any of the CD or DVD titles listed below,
write to:
CD Releases
Click on these links to go to each section --

Music recordings
by a Shaker music scholar

Many of the Shaker songs and hymns included on these CDs are available in performing editions and arrangements by Roger Lee Hall, a composer and musicologist who has researched and performaed Shaker music for 50 years. His editions and arrangements are listed at these links:
Shaker Music Preservation Series
Shaker Music Arrangements
The following 10 CDs have music edited or arranged by Roger Lee Hall:

AMRC CD Series

AMRC 0016: "Gentle Words" -
A Shaker Music Sampler
Includes singing by Shaker women, several non-Shaker choirs,
Roger Lee Hall's original composition, "Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune" for piano,
highlights from his interview with composer, Aaron Copland, in 1980.
A Best-Selling CD!
AMRC 0017: "Celestial Praises" -
A Celebration of Shaker Spirituals
25 premiere recordings of original Shaker melodies
and arrangements by Roger Hall and Conrad Held,
opening with the popular "Welcome, Welcome" song
and including Roger Hall's arrangement
of the popular Shaker dance song, "Simple Gifts"

Another Popular Release!
AMRC 0048: "My Shaker Home" -
Words & Music by Shaker Sisters
This CD has received high praise for the performances.
All the words and music were written by Shaker Sisters.
It is titled after the last known Shaker song composed in the 20th century,
composed by Sister Lillian Phelps
at Canterbury, New Hampshire in 1959.
Singing by the Shakers

Early Shaker Spirituals
(United Society of Shakers,
Sabbathday Lake, Maine)

Let Zion Move:
Music of the Shakers
(Shaker singers from
Canterbury, NH and Sabbathday Lake, Maine)

Simple Gifts: Shaker Chants and Spirituals
(Boston Camerata with the Sabbathday Lake Shakers)

Original Shaker Tunes
Gentle Words: A Shaker Music Sampler
(AMRC 0016)

Includes 24 premiere recordings including a newly discovered version of the best known Shaker song, "Simple Gifts," and music sung by Shaker sisters from taped field recordings. These are rare performances by Shaker sisters and were recorded live on site.
Read more and how to order at this link:
Gentle Words CD
Also available is a book with the lyrics for all
25 Shaker spirituals on the CD,
plus music arrangements of four Shaker tunes
Read about how to order this book -- click here
Non-Shaker Musicians

Free America!
(Harmonia Mundi CD - HMM 902628, 2019)
Featuring 5 Shaker spirituals among the 29 tracks on the CD
performed by members of The Boston Camerata:
"Repentance" (Debroah Rentz-Moore),
"Pretty Home" (Deborah Rentz-Moore, Anne Azema, Camilia Parias)
"Trumpet of peace" (Anne Azema),
"March" (Anne Azema, Camilia Parias, Deborah Rentz-Moore),
"O Zion Arise" (Timoth Leigh Evans)
I Am Filled With Heavenly Treasures
(New World Records)
Featuring 39 tracks of Shaker spirituals performed by The Enfield Shaker Singers, directed by Mary Ann Haagen, who has also arranged a few tunes. It includes many spirituals recorded for the first time, such as the title song, Otis Sawyer's "The Closing Day," and David A. Buckingham's magnificent anthem, "Harmony of Angels." All the Shaker spirituals are performed in unaccompanied performances by the chorus and soloists. This CD is well worth adding to your collection.
Joy of Angels:
Shaker Spirituals for Christmas and The New Year
(Sampler Records Ltd.)

This CD from Sampler Records features 38 Shaker spirituals and is the only one devoted to music for Christmas and the New Year, many of them recorded for the first time anywhere. The featured performers are: Randy Folger, Colleen Liggett, Kathy Leigh Johnson, Mitzie Collins, The Eastman Bach Children's Chorus, and The Sampler Chorus. The CD title is taken from the first line of the Shaker Christmas hymn: "Hail, hail the beautiful morn hath dawned, The joy of angels and men" by Elmina Phillips from North Union, Ohio.
Also featured is the first recording of the popular Shaker song, "Give Good Gifts."
There is an accompanying songbook with all the music and notes about performance plus extensive notes about the music and Shaker Christmas rituals and a Checklist of Printed Shaker Hymnals by Shaker music scholar, Roger Hall.
Track Titles:
1. Hail, hail the beautiful morn (Christmas Hymn) -- Elmina Phillips,
2. O see the lovely angels -- Marcia Hastings, Canterbury, NH, 1840
3. Mother's Golden Trumpet -- Archibald Meacham, White Water, Ohio, 1843
4. Sweetest music softly stealing -- Martha Jane Anderson, 1871
5. Come letus hail this blissful day -- George R. Runyan, Pleasant Hill, Kentucky
6. This is a pleasant Christmas -- Susan Bundy, Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, 1868
7. Brethren and sisters let us sing -- Pleasant Hill, Kentucky
8. Tis the gift to be simple -- Joseph Brackett Jr., Alfred, Maine, 1848
9. In love and sweet union -- Mount Lebanon, New York, 1845
10. When Christ was of a Virgin born -- Watervliet, New York, 1840
11. While once in Judah's lovely land -- John Dunlavy,
Pleasant Hill,
12. Blessed season of devotion -- Enfield, New Hampshire
13. Glory unto God we'll sing -- Enfield, New Hampshire, December 25, 1852
14. I hear a sweet sound of an angel -- Union Village, Ohio
15. We have found the promised Saviour -- Mount Lebanon, New York, 1875
16. I hear a voice -- Anna White, Mount Lebanon, New York, 1860
17. Hail the memorable morn -- text: Richard McNemar/
tune: Issachar Bates
18. The Prince of Peace is come -- Canterbury, New Hampshire
19. Since we are called to liberty -- Benjamin Dunlavy,
Pleasant Hill, Kentucky
20. Lo, lo in this pretty path I will go -- Abraham Perkins, Enfield, NH, 1840
21. O the blessed revelation -- Richard McNemar, Union Village, Ohio
22. This is Jesus' birthday
-- Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, 1854
23. Awake for the angels are gath'ring near -- Grace Bowers, Mt Lebanon,1893
24. Brightly beneath the star of hope -- Mount Lebanon, New York, 1875
25. To all the good children, a happy New Year -- Prudence Houston,1827
I love of play and skip around -- Mount Lebanon, New York, 1837
27. The Birthday of Jesus -- West Union, Indiana
28. O hearken listen to the sound -- Nelson Phillips, North Union, Ohio, 1853
29. Give me the treasure that cannot be sold -- Mount Lebanon, New York, 1875
30. O brighter than the morning star -- Union Village, Ohio, 1868
31. Step Tune -- New Lebanon, New York, 1858
32. O blessed Saviour's humble birth -- Benjamin Dunlavy, Pleasant Hill, Kentucky
33. A New Year -- New Lebanon, New York
34. Listen! while we join with angels -- Mount Lebanon, New York, 1875
35. Low within the vale -- Paulina Bryant, Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, 1850
36. Give Good Gifts -- Martha Jane Anderson, ca. 1892
37. With precious gifts -- Enfield, Connecticut, 1839
38. Fear not, for behold -- Josephine E. Wilson, Canterbury, NH, 1900
Rave Reviews:
"The editorial essays in the printed anthology are models of their kind, providing clear and wise guidance to students and performers alike. The performances on the recording are lovingly skillful and delightfully varied and will repay repeated listenings."
-- Ralph P. Locke , Professor of Musicology,
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
"Here is a rich lode of possibilities for all kinds of singing occasions - some for congregations at Christmas, like the wonderful regional carols - and others for specific events, such as a Shaker pageant or historical program...I love the melodic ideas - this is not what you hear every day. Congratulations to all involved."
--George Ward, recording artist ansd folklorist
Love is Little:
A Sampling of Shaker Spirituals
(Sampler Records Ltd.)

A collection of 36 Shaker spirituals, released by Sampler Records in 1992, representing all of the 18 major Shaker communities, performed by Roger Hall, Mitzie Collins and other soloists, and The Sampler Chorus. It is titled after the popular Shaker humility song from South Union, Kentucky.
There is also an accompanying songbook compiled by Roger Hall with all the music from the CD, plus music notes, a list of titles from the Shaker Song Series, and a bibliography. Included is the earliest known Shaker song with complete words and music from 1787.
These are the titles and Shaker communities with dates included:
1. Mother Ann's Song-- Harvard, Massachusetts, 1783
2. Father James's Song -- Harvard, Massachusetts, 1783
3. In Yonder Valley-- Father James Whittaker, Enfield, Connecticut, 1787
4. Square Order Shuffle -- Harvard, Massachusetts, 1791
5. Quick Step Manner --
Sung by John Robinson, Shirley, Mass, 1815
6. The Happy Journey -- Sung by Joshua Goodrich, Harvard, Mass, 1808
7. How Beautiful Do The Heavens Ring-- Hancock, Massachusetts, 1849
8. Living souls Let's Be Marching-- singing of Ricardo Belden, 1950s
9. Followers of the Lamb - Clarissa Jacobs, New Lebanon, NY, 1847/1985
10. Put Thy Hands To Work -- Community unknown, 1869
11. A Prayer For The Captive -- Cecilia DeVere, New Lebanon, New York, 1862
12. Glory and Honor -- David A. Buckingham, Watervliet, New York, 1873
13. O Do Feel More Life -- Sodus, New
York, 1837
14. Welcome, Welcome Gospel Kindred -- Lydia Dole, Groveland, NY, 1865
15. Chinese -- Groveland, New York
16. Praise to Mother -- Ann Marie Love, Groveland, NY, 1852
17. A Round Dance -- Eldress Lydia Dole, Groveland, NY, 1865
18. All is Summer -- Groveland, NY, 1875
19. If Our Home is So Beautiful -- Groveland, NY, 1893
20. All At Home-- Canterbury, New Hampshire, 1870/1912
21. More Love -- Canterbury, New Hampshire, 1870/1914
22. Prayer Universal -- Canterbury, New Hampshire, 1890
23. Millennial Praise -- James G. Russell, Enfield, New Hampshire, 1883
24. Peace to Zion -- Enfield, New Hampshire, 1851
25. The Shakers -- text: Richard McNemar/Sabbathday Lake Shakers, 1980
26. Simple Gifts -- Joseph Brackett, Jr., Alfred, Maine, 1848
27. Blended Together -- Joseph Holden, New Lebanon, NY, 1870
28. Let Zion Move -- Mary Ann Gillespie, Alfred, Maine, 1875
29. Redeeming Love --
Mary Ann Gillespie, Alfred, Maine, 1875
30. Mother -- text: Richard McNemar. Union Village, Ohio, ca. 1813
31. How Happy Are They -- Richard McNemar, Watervliet, Ohio, 1833
32. Ode to Contentment -- text: Richard Pelham/tune: Issachar Bates
33. On The Landing Of Mother Ann In America -- North Union, Ohio, 1860
34. Slow March (The angels of heaven) -- Ephraim Frost, White Water, Ohio,1872
35. Gentle Words -- Polly M. Rupe, Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, ca. 1867
36. Love is Little -- South Union, Kentucky, ca. 1834/ 1976
Rave Reviews:
"The recording includes a nice contrast of styles, tempi, vocal timbres and ranges.
It resists the temptation to 'arrange' the music for modern performance, but lets the music speak for itself. I'd recommend both the book and recording as useful for singers and scholars, and would suggest that traditional music groups will find the collection a means of incorporating these songs into their own repertories. I'd also recommend the recording if for no other reason than that you'll enjoy it."
--- Susan Porter, Professor of Music, Ohio State University, Lima, Ohio in The Sonneck Society for American Music Bulletin, Summer, 1993.
"The excellent vocals of Mitzie, Roger and the Sampler Chorus carry this recording onto a high level of musical achievement. Anyone interested in the Shakers and their music must have this recording."
Andy Recommends in Andy's Front Hall Catalog, Voorheesville, New York

CD: "Simple Gifts" - A Shaker Song Revisited (AMRC 0033)
It includes many arrangements of "Simple Gifts" and also interviews with two people who helped to make this song known everywhere: Sister R. Mildred Barker and composer, Aaron Copland.
To order your copy of this CD, go to the American Music Recortdings Collection -- click here
Simple Gifts:
Shaker Chants and Spirituals (Erato)
This CD from 1995 features The Boston Camerata, directed by Joel Cohen, with the Schola Cantorum, joined by the Shakers and recorded in the Shaker meeting house at Sabbathday Lake, Maine. There are a few errors in the CD notes. Contrary to what is written, "The Spiritual Sailor," in four-part harmony was not a Shaker hymn though it is very similar to "Voyage to Canaan" (melody only). Also, it is unlikely that the Shakers actually sang bass drones with the melody, as employed on this CD.

Another CD release by The Boston Camerata...

Read the review of this Boston Camerata CD
with transcriptions by Anne Azema and Joel Cohen
and recorded at the Sabbathday Lake Shaker meeting house
at this link:
Shaker book and CD reviews

Arranged Shaker Tunes
" Celestial Praises" - A Celebration of Shaker Spirituals
The Canterbury Singers

CD Review: Gentle Words - Shaker Songs
arranged by Kevin Siegfried
The Tudor Choir

Arrangements by Jack Bomer, Roger Hall and Conrad Held
The Canterbury Singers, The Sampler Singers, Simplicity
Beautiful Harp Music by Diane Schneider
From her series of soothing harp music, there are three CDs with Shaker song arrangements...

Harp of Christmas Piece
15 tracks of beautiful Christmas music arrangements by Diane Schneider, including "Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming" (2:36); "The First Noel" (3:03); "I Wonder As I Wander" (5:31); "Silent Night" (4:49).
There is also one Shaker Christmas hymn ("When Christ was of a Virgin Born" (3:05) from the Joy of Angels music collection.

Harp of Hope
2008 POW! Award-winning instrumental CD
There are 17 tracks on this CD including these tunes: "Greensleeves" (3:51),
"The Ash Grove" (2:47), "Kum Ba Yah" (2:22). There are also hymns like "Abide With Me" (1:53), "Amazing Grace" (3:57), and "Nearer My God To Thee" (2:39). The Shaker song is the best known one: Elder Joseph Brackett's "Simple Gifts" (3:36) in a lovely arrangement by Diane Schneider. In addition to this music, there is a bonus track titled: "Angel's Wing" - described as "a 9 minute improvisation with floating, rhythm-less arpeggios to induce relaxation." There is also an Animal Therapy Edition of this same CD "for soothing relief, deep sleep, and anti-anxiety with dogs, cats, birds, horses -- and their owners."

Harp of Quiet Faith
This lovely CD of traditional songs of faith arranged by Diane Schneider includes three Shaker songs: "Love is Little" (2:45), "We Must Be Meek" (2:37), ""My Carnal Life I Will Lay Down." (3:35). Also the CD includes such well known hymns as" "How Great Thou Art" (4:42); "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"; and "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" (3:00). All the selections are "therapeutically arranged to calm anxiety,
stabilize heart rate, and encourage restful sleep."
To order these peaceful and soothing CDs, click on this link to --
Diane Schneider, Harpist
The River of Love:
Music of the Shakers and Music Based on Shaker Themes
(Albany Records)

Featuring original Shaker melodies and arrangements by William Cutter, Aaron Copland , and World Premiere recordings of "The Simple Gifts," a cantata by Jacob Druckman, and Eric Sawyer's The Humble Heart: A Cantata for Youth.
The performers on this CD include these soloists:
Emily Browder, soprano
Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano
Andrew Leonard, tenor
Robert Honeysucker, baritone
Bill Geha, piano
Malcolm Halliday, conductor
The CD features the New England Voices, a performing and educational ensemble founded in 1998 and including youth and adult singers and instrumentalists.
Assisting with Shaker music research was musicologist, Roger Lee Hall.
The founder and director of New England Voices, Nancy Annis McDowell, writes:
"The program is grouped thematically for the most part, songs about Mother Ann, songs about love, four-part spirituals, and hymns chosen by contemporary composers for their works based on Shaker themes. The River of Love perpetuates a new genre of American music begun by Jacob Druckman. Music based on Themes of the American Shakers. This recording by New England Voices, the first of its kind, is especially suited for youth as both performers and listeners."

Participants in this recording project (left to right):
Roger Lee Hall, Nancy Annis McDowell,
and Eric Sawyer.
(photo by Gail Hall)
Track Titles:

1. Hymn: Prayer Universal - Combined Choirs
2. Song: Simple Gifts (arr. by Aaron Copland) -- Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano
3. Song: A Mince Pie or a Puding (New Lebanon, NY) --
Emily Browder, Nancy McDowell, Pamela Dellal,
Andrew Leonard
4. From a Shaker Hymnal -- There's a Light (arr. by William Cutter) --
Combined Choirs; Amy Carroll, flute
5. From a Shaker Hymnal -- Let Zion Move (arr. by William Cutter) - Combined Choirs; Amy Carroll, flute
6. From a Shaker Hymnal-- I Will Go On My Way (arr. by William Cutter)-
Combined Choirs; Amy Carroll, flute
7. Song: Drink Ye - Andrew Leonard, tenor
8. Song: I Love Mother - Corinne Candilis, child soloist
9. Mother Ann's Song - Michael Pritchard, bass
10. Mother Ann's Closet - Emily Browder, soprano
11. Dissmission of the Devil - Robert Honeysucker, baritone
12. Hymn: The Humble Heart
- Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano
13. The Humble Heart: A Cantata For Youth
composed by Eric Sawyer, 2006/World Premiere Recording)
Emily Browder, Pamela Dellal, Andrew Leonard, Robert Honeysucker,
Combined Choirs
More Love - Emily Browder, soprano
15. Invitation to the River of Love - Robert Honeysucker, baritone
16. Love is Little - Jennifer Shaw. soprano
17. Pretty Home - Grace Long, soprano
18. A Snag of it or a Handful of Gospel Love - Children's Chorus
19. Tuvan Throat Singing - Thomas Erick Summer, tenor
20. Adagio in Lydian Mode from String Quartet No. 2 (Eric Sawyer) - Karen Oosterbaan, violin; Frederick Bednarz, violin; Thomas Fajaro, viola;
Hazel Gietheim, cello
21. Sweet Summer Land - Combined Choirs
22. I'll Tell Thee of Heaven - Combined Choirs
23. I Hunger and Thirst - Laura Stanfield Pritchard, soprano
24. I Know How to Pray
- Philip Candilis, bass
25. On Zion's Holy Ground - Diane Taraz Shriver, soprano
26. Work for the Harvest - Combined Choirs
27. In My Father's House - Combined Choirs
28. Come Life, Shaker Life - Combined Choirs
29. O Heaven of Heavens - Emily Browder, soprano
30. One, Two, Three Steps - Emily Browder, Nancy McDowell, sopranos
31. Little
Trumpet - Thomas Erick Summer, tenor
32. I've Set My Face for Zion's Kingdom - Combined Choirs
33. Funeral Hymn - Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano
34. The Simple Gifts: A Cantata Based on Themes of the American Shakers
(Jacob Druckman, 1954/ World Premiere Recording)
Emily Browder, soprano; Philip Candilis,
Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano;
Andrew Leonard, tenor
35. Farewell Song - Thomas Erik Summer, tenor
36. I Will Bow and Be Simple - Combined Choirs
37. Living Souls Let's Be Marching - Combined Choirs

Read the review of this CD
click here

Read the review of this Tudor Choir CD
click here
Three Instrumental CDs
(Gourd Music)
A series of three CDs with very appealing medleys of Shaker melodies, arranged by William Coulter (guitar) and Barry Phillips (cello) and joined by an ensemble of highly talented folk musicians.
These CDs for recommended for enjoyable listening. To see track titles, click on the links.

DVDs with Shaker Music

"Give Good Gifts" -
Shaker music in the 20th century

"The Humble Heart" -
A Fifty Year Survey of Shaker Music

This multimedia collection on DVD-ROM
was compiled and edited
by Roger Lee Hall.
It can be of value to musicians, teachers, researchers,
and anyone interested in American religious history.
"Invitation to Zion" - A Shaker Music Guide

"Simple Gifts"
Great American Folk Song

Ken Burns and Shaker Music

In 1999, Ken Burns produced another documentary shown on PBS which included some Shaker music, but unfortunately it was not identified correctly. It is available on DVD.

CD and DVD: Not for Ourselves Alone:
The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony
The soundtrack CD for Not For Ouselves Alone lists only one Shaker song:
"Good Evening My Friends" (track 8 on the CD)
Actually there are TWO Shaker songs included on this track:
"Good Evening, My Friends" (New Lebanon, New York, 1837)
"Mount Lebanon March" (New Lebanon, New York, 1822)
Both songs were published in the collection titled, The Happy Journey: Thirty-Five Shaker Spirituals, edited by Roger L. Hall, and published by The Fruitlands Museums in Harvard, Massachusetts in 1982. He transcribed all these tunes from the original Shaker alphabet music notation and prepared performing editions of them.

The Shakers and their music on television

Several television programs,
including interviews with Sister R. Mildred Barker
and music and dance by the Shaker Village Work Camp singers
at Hancock Shaker Village in 1966, and a television story about
the Sabbathday Lake Shakers in 1986
with the singing of several Shaker songs
are included
on this deluxe multi-media DVD.
Click on this link:
A Shaker Music Miscellany

Related AMP Links
Shaker Music Books and Articles
Shaker Music News
Shaker Music Scholar
Shaker and Non-Shaker Tunes
Shaker Music Preservation Series
For questions about any of the above titles -- click here
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