This series of American Christmas music is available in three separate different collections:
No. 1. Book: Christmas Music in America
Did you know that many of the familiar Christmas carols and songs were written in the United States of America?
Now you can read about Christmas carols and songs written and performed in America.
The book is filled with fascinating facts about Christmas music in America.
Learn which American Christmas carol was the most popular one in 19th century America and still popular today.
When was the old Afro-American spiritual, "Rise up shepherds and follow" first published?
Did you know when the first version in the USA was published of the popular Austrian carol, "Silent Night"?"
These and other facts are discussed in the book now available.
Here are the contents --
I. Christmas Music in America: A Chronology, 1770-1995
II. Joy to the World: Fifteen Early American Carols
Lyrics for 18th and 19th century American carols:
1. BOSTON - music by William Billings, 1778
JUDEA - words & music by William Billings, 1778
3. BETHLEHEM - music by William Billings, 1778
4. SHERBURNE - music by Daniel Read, 1785
5. CAROL - music by Supply Belcher, 1794
6. NEW BETHLEHEM - music by Edward French, 1799
7. "While once in Judah's lovely land" - Shaker carol by Elder John Dunlavy, 1815
8. ANTIOCH - "Joy to the World" - music by Lowell Mason,1848
9. "It Came Upon The Midnight Clear" - Richard S. Willis, 1850
10. "We Three Kings Of Orient Are" - John Henry Hopkins, 1857
11. "Up On The Housetop" - words & music by Benjamin R. Hanby, 1860
12. "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" - J. Baptiste Calkin & Johnny Marks
13. "O Little Town Of Bethlehem"
- music by Lewis Redner, 1868
14. "Away In A Manger" - - James R. Murray,1887 & William Kirkpatrick,1895
15. "A Christmas Carol"- words & music by Charles E. Ives, 1894
III. White Christmas: Top 25 ASCAP Christmas Songs
IV. It's A Wonderful Life: Christmas Music in Movies and Television
V. O Little Town of Bethlehem: Christmas Music in Concert
VI. The Dark Night is Ending: Christmas Music on Radio
VII. Bibliography: Where to Look for More information
VIII. Discography: Recommended Christmas Music on LP and CD
First verse of the title carol from the book:
Celebrate, Rejoice, and Sing!
Voices raised in caroling;
He has come the faithful kneel,
Bowed to worship their ideal;
Holy birth in lowly stall,
Glory be to Lord of all!
Come sing praises for this morn,
Halllelujah, Christ is born!
-- words by Roger Hall, 1979

No. 2. Sheet Music
1. Santa Claus (Air with Variations) - music by E.A. Jones, edited by Roger Hall (for piano)
2. The Prince of Peace - Shaker Christmas song, arranged by Roger Hall (for chorus)
3. Shepherds Carol (He whom shepherds once praising) - arranged by Roger Hall (Larre Nelson, vocalist, J.N. Snyder, vibraphone)
4, Hail to the joyous day!- words by Royall Tyler - composed by Roger Hall (for chorus)
5. A Christmas Song (The Dark Night Is Ending)- arranged by Roger Hall (for soloist or chorus)
6. Celebrate, Rejoice and Sing! - arranged by Roger Hall (for chorus)

No. 3. Music Album

"An Old-Fashioned American Christmas" (20 tracks)
With special guest, Roger Hall, on a Christmas Eve radio program
speaking about American Christmas Carols from the past
like "Joy To The World (ANTIOCH)" shown in the above picture as originally published.

No. 4. Concert Video Clips
No. 1. A Christmas Song Medley - popular songs
No. 2. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow - popular Christmas song by Sammy Cahn & Jule Styne
No. 3. The Humble Heart - Shaker hymn by Eunice Wyeth and Thomas Hammon, arranged by Conrad Held
No. 4. Let Us Sing Praises - Shakjer hymn arranged by Conrad Held
No. 5. Celestial Praises - Shaker hymn, music arranged by Roger Hall
No. 6. A New Year's Prayer - Shaker hymn by Sister Mildred Barker, music by Roger Hall

The above illustration shows "Celestial Praises" from 1841 in Shaker printed alphabet music notation,
The audio of this Shaker hymn is included on this AMRC CD album performed by The Canterbury Singers:

To order the multimedia DVD-ROM:
The collection includes
the complete book, the sheet music, the complete music album and the concert video clips,
all included on one handy DVD-ROM or a USB for $23.95.
Note: The DVD-ROM is disc is playable on a CD/DVD drive but not a DVD or Blu-ray movie player.
Your order will help support the important preservation work of
the Center for American Music Preservation (CAMP)
This DVD-ROM (or USB) now available at a 20% discount
but only for the month of December 2024
USA Orders Only.
Order your copy of this title at the discount price of $23.95 including handling and shipping,
Your order is payable to PineTree Productions,
through safe and secure PayPal.
To order, click the "Add to Cart" button.

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Christmas Music in America

These AMRC CDs are available separately...