For teachers, students, researchers and history buffs...

Music from the eras of
two major U.S. Presidents:
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln

"A Toast": Music From George Washington's Time
(PTME 1047)
This collection contains historical information, sheet music, music album and a video program.
The sheet music is from the collection, The Music That Washington Knew, containing songs, instrumental music and dances popular during Washington's Time, including historical background.
The music album was recorded at several live concerts performed by soloists and chorus from the Old Stoughton Musical Society, including a 1982 concert celebrating the 250th anniversaries of the births of Austrian composer, Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), and U.S. President,
George Washington (1732-1799); and concerts celebrating the bicentennial of U.S. Constitution in 1987, and bicentennial of the Inauguration of First U.S. President in 1989.
Also on the DVD disc is a half hour video program titled:
It includes readings from the U.S. Constitujtion from 1787 b y local school children and local town residents. Also, the historical play, "The Grand Constitution," written and directed by Roger Hall and featuring two local actors (Bert Anderson ands Wayne Olem) plus a chorus from The Old Stoughton Musical Society. The play is about the writing of the oldest constitution of any musical organization in the USA for the Stoughton Musical Society. Their document written in October 1787 just two weeks after the U.S. Constitution was written. The video includes music of that time by William Billings, Alexander Reinagle and others.
The program was videotaped in 1987.
Music album titles (click links for streaming listening links, please do not copy):
1. +The Liberty Song -- words: John Dickinson, 1768
2. +Father and I went down to casmp -- tune: YANKEE DOODLE
arranged by W.A. Fisher
3. Chester-- words & music by William Billings, 1778
4. +Welcome, Mighty Chief, Once More --
music: "See the Conquering Hero Comes" by George Frideric Handel
sung by The Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus
5. A Toast (for General George Washington) --Francis Hopkinson, 1778
6. Beneath a Weeping Willow's Shade --
Francis Hopkinson, 1788
7. My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free --
Francis Hopkinson, 1759
8. +Norah, Dear Norah -- William Shields, 1783
(Washington's favorite English opera)
9. +The Way-Worn Traveler -- Samuel Arnold, 1793
10. Excerpt from 1982 Concert Address by Roger Hall
11. Tenor Recitative & Chorus from THE CREATION
Franz Joseph Haydn
12. +Thanksgiving -- music by William Billings, 1778
(edited by Roger Hall)

13. +Ode to President George Washington, 1789
first performed at his Presidential Inauguration in New York
music: "God Save The King" (edited by Roger Hall)
excerpt from the play, "The Grand Constitution" (1987)
with two actors from Stoughton Little Theater and
music sung by The Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus
14. Excerpt from 1982 Concert Address by Roger Hall
15. New Jerusalem -- Jeremiah Ingalls, 1796
16. +The Dove -- Samuel Capen, 1805
17. +New Bethlehem -- Edward French, 1799
18. +Mount Vernon -- Oliver Holden, 1800
19. +Dedication -- words: William Billings, 1794/
music: Roger Hall, 1986
20.+The Grand Constitution - ballad
tune: Heart of Oak
(edited by Roger Hall)
21. The Federal March (excerpt) -- Alexander Reinagle
22. +U.S. Constitution Song: The 'Vention Did In Boston Meet
tune: "Yankee Doodle," 1788
23. The Grand Constitution (finale of one act play, 1987)
24. Ode to President George Washington (reprise) --
tune: "God Save The King"/ words: Samuel Low
(sung at the First U.S. Presidential Inauguration in New York City in 1789)
Here is the first verse by Samuel Low:
Hail! Godlike Washington!
Fair Freedom's chosen son,
Born to command:
While this great globe shall roll,
deeds from pole to pole,
Shall shake Columbia's soul
With virtuous
+ = Premiere Recording = 12
Nos. 1 - 4 = edited and arranged by William Arms Fisher,
The Music That Washington Knew
Nos. 12-13, 22-24 = edited and arranged by Roger Lee Hall
To order the CD (AMRC 0013)
with the music listed above -- click here
For more about America's oldest existing choral society,
organized in 1786
during George Washington's lifetime -- click here

"Lincoln and Liberty" - Music From Abraham Lincoln's Era
(PTME 1009)

It is not generally known that Abraham Lincoln was a devoted music lover throughout his life and someone who enjoyed all kinds of music, including rousing minstrel songs, sentimental ballads, patriotic tunes, and Grand Opera.
This collection includes a picture gallery of Lincoln portraits, Civil War era sheet music, audio album,
and a video program with beautiful hymns by Stepehen Foster composaed during the Civil War years.

"Lincoln and Liberty" - Music From Abraham Lincoln's Era, was researched and written by musicologist, Roger Lee Hall,
and it contains a great deal of information about Abraham Lincoln and the music of his time.

Also included is a half hour video program:
IN CONCERT: Civil War Sunday School Hymns by Stephen Foster
with a rehearsal and premiere concert performances of Foster hymns, performed by the Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus, under the direction of Earl Eyrich.
Accompanying the Listener's Guide is a specially prepared music album with 24 songs and hymns from the
American Music Recordings Collection,
with 8 Premiere Recordings, and with over one hour of music
written and popular during Abraham Lincoln's era. The music is performed by various performers, including The Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus, The Union Confederacy, and pianist Margaret Ulmer and Eric Sosman, bass-baritone.
Music album titles (click links for streaming samples):
1. +The Star-Spangled Banner -- rare ca.1860 choral arrangement
2. Hail! Columbia -- words by Joseph Hopkinson/
music: The President's March by Philip Phile
3. Home! Sweet Home! -- words: John Howard Payne/
music: Henry R. Bishop, 1823
4. Emancipation Song: Get Off The Track --words: Jesse Hutchinson, 1844/
tune: Old Dan Tucker by Daniel D. Emmett
5. Gentle Annie -- words and music by Stephen C. Foster, 1856
6. Lincoln and Liberty --
words: William H. Burleigh/ tune: Rosin the Bow
(Lincoln's Campaign Song, 1860) - sung by The Union Confdederacy
7. Hymn: +The Pure, The Bright, The Beautiful --
music by Stephen C. Foster, 1863
8. Hymn: +Over The River -- words: H.C./
music: Stephen C. Foster,1863
9. Hymn: +What Shall The Harvest Be? -- words: Emily Sullivan Oakey/
music: Stephen C. Foster, 1863
10. Hymn: +Choral Harp -- words: William R. Wallace/
music: Stephen C. Foster
11. Hymn: +Give Us This Day -- words & music by Stephen C. Foster, 1863
12. Dixie's Land (Dixie) --
Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1859
13. The Bonnie Blue Flag -- words: Harry McCarthy, 1861/
music: The Irish Jaunting Car
14. Go Down, Moses -- Afro-American spiritual
(sung when the Emancipation Proclamation was announced)
15. A Prayer For The Captive -- Shaker pacifist hymn by Cecilia DeVere
sung by Leonard Hart and The Plymouth Church Choir

+ John Brown (aka: John Brown's Body, 1861) and
Battle Hymn of the Republic -- words by Julia Ward Howe, 1862 (original versions)
17. Cumberland Gap, 1862
18. We Are Coming, Father Abraam -- Stephen C. Foster, 1862
19. Willie Has Gone To The War -- Stephen C. Foster
20. Lorena --
words: Rev. H.D.L. Webster/ music: J.P. Webster, 1857
21. All Quiet Along the Potomac -- words: Mrs. Ethel L. Beers/
music: W.H. Goodwin, 1861
22. When Johnny Comes Marching Home -- Patrick S. Gilmore, 1863
23. Weeping, Sad and Lonely (When This Cruel War Is Over) --
words: Charles Carroll Sawyer/ music: Henry Tucker, 1862
24. +Hymn of Peace (written for the end of the Civil War) --
words: Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr./music: Matthias Keller
+ = Premiere Recordings = 8

To order only the CD, "Lincoln and Liberty" (AMRC 0012)
go to the American Music Recordings Collection -- click here

Now you can receive both collections on one DVD-ROM at a special discount price too!

"A Toast" - Music of George Washington's Time (PTME 1047)

"Lincoln and Liberty" - Music From Abraham Lincoln's Era (PTME 1009)
You can get both titles together on one DVD-ROM (or USB) at a 50% discount!
To order your copy of both titles at just $21.95, payable to
PineTree Productions,
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