PineTree Music Editions

All music titles listed below highlight American music
from the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries

and were written and edited

by distinguished musicologist and American music preservationist,

Roger Lee Hall


These titles cover a wide variety of American music,
classical, folk and popular, from psalms of the Pilgrims in the 17th century
to classical, folk and popular music in the 21st century.

To inquire about availability of any title listed below on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or USB Flash Drive
or about ordering the entire collection for your educational institution

write to --

New Titles

Coming in Spring 2025

"Good Rockin' Tonight" -
Electric Elvis, Bill Randle and The Rise of a Music Legend

The largest mutlimedia collection about music of the Shakers!




Arranged by Sujects:

I. Historical American Music (10 Titles)




For a list of his PineTree Music compositions--

cick here

For a list of his PineTree Press music booklets --

click here






Music consulting


Roger Lee Hall is available for music consulting, lectures, workshops, conferences, and music commissions.

He has been listed in several prestigious directories published by Marquis Who's Who:

Who's Who in America
Who's Who in the World

For additional information about his many activities -- click here






Music lectures and workshops

To read the descriptions of programs by Mr. Hall for colleges, historical societies, museums, or other organizations, click on this link:

Lectures and Workshops


Music Collections

American Music Recordings Archive (AMRA)

American Music Recordings Collection (AMRC)

American Music Research Editions (AMRE)

Shaker Music Preservation Series (SMPS)

Stoughton Music Heritage Series (SMHS)


For permission to use any documents, music or pictures
on this website in a publication or a recording, write to

PineTree Productions


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