Now available exclusively here as a PDF Book!
"Peace-Lovin' Blues" -
Raised on Rock n' Roll
by Roger Lee Hall

A personal story about the author's growing up years in New Jersey
from the 1940s to 1960s.
He tells how his early youth was spent listening to the radio
and watching movies on television.
Then later how songs helped
him survive
his troubled teenage years with a
dysfunctional family and how he survived
by listening
to rock n' roll music on radio and going to movies in the 1950s,
which led to his songwriting years and happier days in the 1960s.
Among the topics he writes about are:

* His favorite cowboy movie stars: Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Tex Ritter, and especially Hopalong Cassidy (played by William Boyd), who he met as a young Hoppy fan in 1950. Later, he
wrote articles about songs in Hopalonmg Cassidy films of the 1930s and 1940s for the Hopalong Cassidy Fan Club newsletter.

* Appearances in 1955-56 of Elvis Presley introduced on nationed TV by disc jockey, Bill Randle, who Roger later worked for in Cleveland, and the first Elvis movie,
with songs in that film not by Elvis and Vera Matson as printyed on the 45 RPM record, but instead written by songwriter, Ken Darby.

* Learning the songs that were popular on disc jockey Alan Freed's popular radio show in New York City in the 1950s, including one of Roger's favorite R&B groups,
The Moonglows.

* Roger writing his first songs, "Dream World" and "Fraulines From Frankfurt"
as a member of The Potpourris Trio
while in the Army stationed in Germany.

* One of his songs was inspired by The Beatles in the early 1960s
after his visit to London where he heard the early Beatles songs,
"Love Me Do" and "Please Please Me." (Chapter 10))

* After years of troubles with women he dated,
including his English girlfriend,
he wrote the song,"Peace-Lovin' Blues."

This PDF book with 90 illustrations also includes
a Bonus Free audio file (MP3) of Roger's title song,
"Peace-Lovin' Blues" from 1962
"Peace Lovin' Blues" -
Raised on Rock n'Roll
PineTree Press
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and you will also be sent an audio (MP3) of the book's title song,
"Peace-Lovin' Blues"
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Other titles
by the same songwriter

See all the stories by Roger Lee Hall
in his Memories And Music (MAM) memoir series
click here
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