Earlier American Vocal Composers:
A Survey in Sound
Compiled and Edited
by Roger Hall
This collection was compiled and edited by Roger Hall and
by the American Music Recordings Archive (AMRA)
with music from the 18th to early 20th centuries.
It is available on one DVD-ROM
with 48 music examples
from 15 American composers
plus two half hour video programs from Massachusetts cable telecasts.
Performances by various soloists and choral ensembles including
the Old Stoughton Musical Society chorus,
America's oldest surviving choral society,
organized in 1786. See "Dedication" - Singing in Stoughton
Click the links below for sample music clips (for web listening only)
+ = First recording = 24 titles
Part 1: 1759-1805
24 Music selections:
1. My days have been so wondrous free - Francis Hopkinson
2. When Jesus Wept - William Billings
3. Boston - William Billings
+Majesty - William Billings
David's Lamentation - William Billings
6. Kittery - William Billings
7. Chester - William Billings
8. +Charity Anthem - William Billings
9. Easter Anthem - William Billings
10. The Heavenly Vision - Jacob French
11. +Monmouth - Jaco French
12. +Dormant - Jacob French - click here
13. Mortality - Daniel Read
14. Norfalk - Daniel Read
15. Sherburne - Daniel Read
16. Windham - Daniel Read
17. Greenwish - Daniel Read
18. Amity - Daniel Read
19. Russia - Daniel Read
20. Victory - Daniel Read
21. Northfield - Jeremiah Ingalls
22. New Jerusalem - Jeremiah Ingalls
23.+Confidence - Oliver Holden
24. Coronation - Oliver Holden
Cable TV Program (1987): Old Stoughton and The Grand Constitution
Note: This TV program was presented in celebration of the
200th anniversary of
both the U.S. Constitution and
Stoughton Musical Society Constitution
both written in 1787.
Part 2: 1800-1865
25. +Jerusalem My Glorious Home - Lowell Mason
26. +Hymn For The New Year (1819) - Oliver Shaw
27. There's Nothing True But Heaven - Oliver Shaw
28. +The Pure, The Bright, The Beautiful (1863)-
Stephen Foster
29. +Over The River (1863) - Stephen Foster
+Give Us This Day (1863)
31. +What Shall The Harvest Be? (1863) - Stephen Foster - listening - click here
We Are Coming, Father Abraam, 300,000 More (1862)- Stephen Foster
Cable TV program (1986): Civil War Hymns by Stephen Foster
This TV program featured premiere performances of hymns by Stephen Foster.

Part Three: 1866-1890
33. +Festival Hymn (1872) - Dudley Buck
34. +Centennial Meditation of Columbia (1876 U.S. Centennial) - Dudley Buck
+Praise Ye The Lord (Dartmouth Glee Club, 1874) - Edwin Arthur Jones
36 +Blessing and Glory (Dartmouth Glee Club, 1874) - E.A. Jones
37. +Song of Our Saviour (Alto Air)(1881) - E.A. Jones - listening example - click here
38. +Song of Our Saviour (Bass recitative & Final Chorus) - E.A. Jones
39. +Old Stoughton (1886) - E.A. Jones
40. +EASTER CONCERT oratorio (Lord God of Hosts)(1890) - E.A. Jones
41. +EASTER CONCERT (The Lord is King) - E.A. Jones
Part 4: 1890-1920
42. Quonium tu solus (from Mass in Eb, Op. 5)(1892) - Amy Beach
+Turn Ye, Turn Ye (1890) - Charles E. Ives - listening example - click here
44. +Easter Carol (1892) - Charles E. Ives
45. +Crossing The Bar (1891) - Charles E. Ives
46. The Collection (1920) - Charles E. Ives
47. Land of Our Hearts (1918) - George W. Chadwick
48. +Song of the Marching Men (from THE NEW EARTH, 1919) - Henry K. Hadley
This special music collection is only available here.
All four parts with 48 music examples
plus 2 local cable TV programs are on one DVD-ROM
Just click on the Add to Cart below
including shipping cost for $24.95
through safe and secure PayPal.
After ordering, send your email to confirm your order -- click here

Other links for musical Americana:
American Music Resource Editions [AMRE]
Center for American Music Preservation [CAMP]
Essential American Recordings Survey [EARS]
PineTree Multimedia Editions [PTME)
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