


Memories And Music (MAM)

A series of revealing books
about the author's many years of music memories



Roger Lee Hall has been involved with many areas of music for over 60 years.

His many music activities include:

Pop songwriter
ASCAP composer of classical music and pop songs
Musicologist working in American music
Music teacher of classica musicl, popular music and film music
Cable TV producer for several series about local music
Radio host for a four hour nightly program of pop music (1930s-1950s)
Historian and conductor of the oldest choral society in the USA
Ethnomusicologist studying the music of the Shakers
Director of the Center for American Music Preservation or CAMP

He was recognized for his many years of distinquished work in music by
being named in various directories including;

International Who's Who in Music,
Who's Who in Entertainment
Who's Who in America
Who's Who in the World

Each of the titles in the MAM book series provide personal stories from his experiemnces
with music and contain many pictures.

They are divided into two different periods in his life:


I. Early Years (Volumes 1-4)




Vol. 3:
"Dream World" -
Songs, Poems, Stories (2006)
-- click here



Vol. 4:
"Peace-Lovin' Blues" -
Raised On Rock n'Roll
(2013) -- click here





II. Later Years (Volumes 5-8)


Vol. 05:
"Following The Stars" -
Music & Memories of Hoplang Cassidy (2016)






Vol. 06:
"Search Thou My Heart" -
A Musical Life
(2017) -- click here




Vol. 7:
"Gentle Peace" -
Songs For Survival (2023)
-- click here




Commemorating the 90th birthday of Elvis Presley
and 70th anniversary of his debut in Cleveland, Ohio
and the author's work with disc jockey, Bill Randle

This New Book Available March 2025!

Vol. 8 in the Memories And Music Series:

"Shake, Rattle and Roll" -
Electric Elvis, Bill Randle,
and The Rise of a Music Legend






Now Available For A Limited Time At Special Price!

Volumes 1-7 PDF books are now available at the special discount price of only $11.95 for any title and sent directly to you by email attachment without any extra shipping charge.

Along with your order you will also receive a bonus Free Audio (MP3) of one of the author's songs, either pop or classical.

Click below payable to PineTree Productions, owner of PineTree Press
through Safe and Secure PayPal --


Official PayPal Seal




After you have ordered the PDF collection,
send your email address so they
will be sent directly to you by email attachment,
along with the Free Bonus audio example.

To send you email for fast online delivery -- click here



Two free virtual programs are now available online:


"Making American Music Come Alive Again!"

You can listen to this program about his music career from high school
days in Bloomfield, NJ and how he later became an American Music Preservationist helping to preserve music from the past.

Roger Hall speaks with James Gardner on the popular audio podcast,
"Your History - Your Story," which is now available at any of these links:



You Tube




In commemoration of the centennial birthday of
popular Cleveland disc jockey, Bill Randle (1923-2004),
read about him in this illustrated PDF book sent
by email download and also with a free bonus audio clip from
a Cleveland radio program with Bill Randle -- click here

Roger spoke about him on a special Zoom program in 2023:

"Bill Randle in Cleveland: From Electric Elvis to The Shakers"

This program with rare pictrures and audio examples, including
a rare radio air check with Bill Randle speaking about Elvis Presley,
is now available to watch on YouTube -- click here


"Tis the gift to be simple: Aaron Copland Meets The Shakers in Shaker Heights"

Watch this Zoom program with Roger Lee Hall, Shaker music preservationist
speaking about introducing the composer to the Shakers from Maine in 1974.
at this webpage -- click here




As a music preservationist,
Roger Hall has spent many years researching and writing about
music about America's past.

See the list of his music lectures and workshops -- click here

See his 60 publications in this series:

PineTree Multimedia Music Editions (PTME)










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Contact: pinetreepro@aol.com