An Important New Release!

"Millennial Praise"
Singing New Englanders:
From The Pilgrims to The Shakers
Music from earlier America, especially vocal music, has been neglected for far too long.
Now available on a multimedia DVD is much useful information about singing in America from the 17th to early 20th centuries.
The DVD was compiled and edited by music preservationist and composer, Roger Lee Hall, Director of the American Music Recordings Archive (AMRA).
This DVD is ideal for research and for teaching American history or music, for concert performance, or for general historical interest.
The DVD contains an image gallery of sheet music and historical pictures and information, plus a 150 page illustrated Listener's Guide with the lyrics and background notes for the 30 selections on the music album. At the back of the Guide is an extensive list of singing meetings and concerts by two musical socieites, one of them now the oldest in the United States, The (Old) Stoughton Musical Society, founded in 1786.
As a bonus feature, there is a one hour video titled, A STOUGHTON MUSICFEST - A Celebration of Local Composers and Musicians. Included on this program is a re-creation of a typical early New England singing school for young people, taught by America's first important composer, William Billings of Boston. For this re-creation, Billings is portrayed by popular local actor, Skip Maloney. The host for the program is local radio personality Marion Wroble. There are also performances by singers from The Old Stoughton Musical Society, elementary school chorus, and a high school instrumental ensemble.
The music album has these examples illustrating important aspects of America's cultural history:
- psalms of The Pilgrims and The Puritans (Nos. 1- 3)
- hymn sung by Narragansett Indians (Nos. 6)
- music of the American Revolution (Nos. 7-11)
- music by early New England singing masters (Nos. 12 -16)
- poems from the War of 1812 (Nos. 18-19)
- two Civil War era texts set to the same tune (No. 21)
- hymn for National Peace Jubilee held in Boston (No. 24)
- holiday music for Easter (no. 26) and Christmas (no. 27)
- Shaker spirituals (Nos. 29-30)
Here is a sample audio file
using Real Audio
Music album:
I. Pilgrims, Puritans, and Reformer
1. Pilgrims: PSALM 8 - Ainsworth Psalter, 1612/tune: OLD 124th
2. Pilgrims: PSALM 100 - Ainsworth Psalter, 1612/tune: OLD 100th
3. Puritans: PSALM 23 - Bay Psalm Book, 1698/ LOW DUTCH TUNE
4. +Reformer: 100 PSALM NEW - tune: Rev. John Tufts, ca. 1720
II. Pirates and Native Peoples
5. CAPTAIN KIDD – undated ballad
6. +NARRAGANSETT INDIAN HYMN – Thomas Cummock, 1845
III. The Fight for Independence
7. THE LIBERTY SONG – words: John Dickinson, 1768/ tune: HEART OF OAK
8. FREE AMERICA – words: Dr. Joseph Warren/tune: BRITISH GRENADIERS
10. CHESTER – words and music: William Billings, 1770/ 1778/ +1786
11. +THANKSGIVING – Unknown author/ tune: KITTERY
IV. Singing Masters
12. +THE BIRD – music: William Billings, 1790
13. +VICTORY – music: Daniel Read, 1793
14. +JUBILANT – music: Supply Belcher, 1794
15. NEW JERUSALEM – music: Jeremiah Ingalls, 1796
16. +DORMANT – music: Jacob French, 1802
V. Federalism Song
17. ADAMS AND LIBERTY – poem: Thomas Robert Treat Paine, 1798/
composed in honor of Second U.S. President, John Adams
VI. The War of 1812
18. +THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER – poem: Francis Scott Key, 1814/
- from 19th century tunebook published in Boston
19. +PEACE – poem: Esther Talbot, 1814/tune: R.L. Hall, 1981
VII. Sentimental Voices and the Civil War Era
20.+SONG OF THE OLD FOLKS (tune: AULD LANG SYNE) - words: Albert Laighton, 1855
21.+ a. JOHN BROWN - tune: Glory, Hallelujah, 1861
22. GO DOWN, MOSES -- Afro-American Spiritual, about 1861
23. +GIVE US THIS DAY - words and music: Stephen Foster, 1863
24. +ANGEL OF PEACE – poem: Oliver Wendell Holmes -
written for
National Peace Jubilee in Boston, 1869/
tune: AMERICAN HYMN by Matthias Keller
VIII. The Gilded Age
music: Edwin Arthur Jones, 1881
26. +EASTER CAROL – music: Charles E. Ives, 1892
IX. Early 20th Century and World War I
27. +CHRISTMAS CHORALE -- music: George Whitefield Chadwick, 1909
28. +SONG OF THE MARCHING MEN – music: Henry Hadley, 1919
X. Shaker Spirituals
29. +Dance Song: SIMPLE GIFTS – Elder Joseph Brackett, 1848
30. +Anthem: MILLENNIAL PRAISE – Elder James G. Russell, 1883

+ = First recording - 20 titles

"Millennial Praise"
Singing New Englanders:
From The Pilgrims To The Shakers
The cost for the multimedia DVD with picture gallery,
music album and 150 page Listener's Guide, and one hour video,
all of these
playable on your computer,
is just $24.95 (including shipping),
payable by credit card to PineTree Productions,
through safe and secure PayPal.
Click on this button:
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please send an e-mail and mention the DVD
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Singing in Earlier America DVD

See other titles (classical composers, movie music, popular songs)
in the Preserving American Music Series:
Click here

For additional information, see
American Music Series CDs
American Vocal Music Series
The New England Harmony (CD)
New England Music Archive (NEMA)
New England Song Series
Peace Poem of 1814
Shaker Music History
"Simple Gifts": Great American Folk Song
Singing Stoughton
Society for Earlier American Music