"The Grand Constitution"

Both the Old Stoughton Musical Society and U.S. Constitutions
were written and approved in 1787.
Celebrating the Bicentennial of both written documents is a special
video program from 1987 titled:

This program includes readings from the U.S. Constitution by residents of the Town of Stoughton, Massachusetts and a one act play about the writing of the Stoughton Musical Society's Constitution, written two weeks after the U.S. Constitution, and now the OLDEST CONSTITUTION OF ANY MUSICAL ORGANIZATION IN THE U.S.
This one-act play was written and directed by
Roger Hall
and titled,
"The Grand Constitution."
It features two actors portraying two original members of the Stoughton Musical Society:
Elijah Dunbar (Wayne Olem) and Samuel Capen (Bert Anderson). Also a chorus from
Old Stoughton Musical Society.
The songs performed include:
"The Grand Constitution"
"Beneath a weeping willow's shade" (Francis Hopkinson)
"The Federal March" (Alexander Reinagle)
"Chester" (William Billings)
"Yankee Doodle" (1788)
"Ode to George Washington"
Here is an excerpt of the opening Preamble to this Constitution with Rules and Regulations,
first voted on October 8, 1787 (just a few weeks after
the U.S. Constitution was written):
And as the powers of harmonious music are most admirably calculated to humanize the ferocious passions,
to increase the various emotions of the mind, the different degrees of sensibility and all the feelings of the heart...
We, therefore, esteem it our duty to study to promote that harmony which is pleasing to our Maker and so delightful to ourselves. Stimulated with these salutary and laudable motives, we, whose names are underwritten, form ourselves in a society by the name of the Stoughton Musical Society, for the implied purpose of practicing vocal music.
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