
National Carry A Tune Week
Survey List
This survey lists all the tunes selected in the six categories with the year of selection indicated from 2001 to 2020.
This annual Carry A Tune Week online event began in 2001 to commemorate the tragedies of 9/11/2001 and also to remember the birth of America's first tune composer, William Billings - born: Boston, Massachusetts, October 7, 1746.
Thank You to all the people who have particpated in National Carry A Tune Week.
Here are their first names in alphabetical order:
Aubrey from Rhode Island
Beate from Germany
Craig from California
Daniel from Washington
Diane from Kentucky
Edmund from Oregon
Elaine from Pennsylvania
Gail from Massachusetts
Heather from Ohio
Jim from Massachusetts
Judith from Germany
Judy from Massachusetts
Larry from New Jersey
Mark from Massachusetts
Mike from Oregon
Pat from Ohio
Phyllis from Massachusetts
Rob from Massachusetts
Roger from Massachusetts
Steve from Pennsylvania
Steve from Minnesota
Suzanne from England
Some tunes were chosen for more than one year during Tune Week and
some tunes are chosen by different people for multiple years.
Carry A Tune Week is scheduled every year on or near the date of the first important American tune composer, William Billings, born on October 7, 1746
[8 of his tunes on the list below], who died on September 26, 1800 in Boston, Massachusetts.

There are 20 tunes marked with a [+]
written or arranged by the ASCAP composer
who started and has run National Carry A Tune Week, Roger Lee Hall.
Some of the links or other pages may no longer be available.
Tunes Chosen From 2001 to 2022:
I. Patriotic Music -- band music or patriotic songs
= 42 tunes [2]:
- "All Quiet Along The Potomac Tonight" (words: Ethel Lynn Beers,
music: W.H. Goodwin, 1863) - 2013
- "America (My Country! 'Tis of Thee)(words: Samuel Smith) " - 2004
- "America The Beautiful" (lyrics: Katharine Lee Bates, 1895/
music: Samuel Ward, 1910) - 2002
- "America, The Dream Goes On" (lyrics: Alan & Marilyn Bergman/
music: John Williams)- 2001
- "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" (1862) - 2008
- "Battle of the Green Berets" (Barry Sandler & Robin Moore, 1966) - 2008
- "Bonnie Blue Flag" (words: Harry McCarthy) - 2004
- "Chester" (William Billings, 1778) - 2003, 2015, 2017
- "Down By A New Guinea Waterfall" - 2011
- +"Father And I Went Down To Camp" (Yankee Doodle, 1776) - 2010
- "Give Me Your Tired Your Poor" (words: Emma Lazarus/
music: Irving Berlin, 1949) - 2016
- "God Bless America" (words & music by Irving Berlin)- 2001, 2007, 2012
- "The House I Live In (That's America To Me) - words & music by
Earl Robinson and Lewis Allen, 1942 - 2012,
- "I Like Ike" (campaign song, 1952) - 2012
- "Independence" (William Billings) - 2004
- "John Brown" (aka: John Brown's Body") - 2011
- "Lamentation Over Boston" (William Billings, 1778) - 2001, 2016
- "Land of Our Hearts" (lyrics: John H. Ingram/
music by George Whitefield Chadwick, 1917) - 2005, 2014,2018
- "The Liberty Bell March" (John Philip Sousa, 1893) - 2014
- "Lincoln and Liberty" (1860) - For the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial, 2009,2012
- "Little Know Ye Who's Coming" - John Quincy Adama Campaign Song - 2015
- "Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder" (The Air Force Song) -
words & music by Robert MacArthur Crawford (1939) - 2011
- "Over There" (George M. Cohan, 1917)
- 2014
- +"Rights of Conscience" (words & music by Isschar Bates, 1810) - 2007
- "Song of the Marching Men" (Louise Ayers Garnett and Henry Hadley,1919)
- The Stars and Stripers Forever" (music by John Philip Sousa, 1896) - 2005, 2014, 2018
- "Song of the Presidents" (ballad tune sung by Oscar Brand) - 2012
- "The
- "Tenting On The Old Camp Ground" (words & music: Walter Kittredge, 1864) - 2013
- "That's What's The Matter" (music by Stephen Foster) - 2001
- "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" (words & music by Louis Lambert -
real name: Patrick S. Gilmore, 1863) -2013
- "Yankee Doodle" - 2003
- "You're A Grand Old Flag" (1906) (words & music by George M. Cohan) - 2010
II. Folk Music -- traditional or contemporary singer-songwriter = 56 tunes:
- "The Blackest Crow" (traditional folk song) - 2005
- "Blowin' in the Wind" (words & music by Bob Dylan, 1962) - 2005,2013,2017
- "Blue Moon of Kentucky" (words & music by Bill Monroe, 1946) - 2011
- "Both Sides Now" (words & music by Joni Mitchell, 1968) -2011
- The Devil and the Farmer's Wife" (traditional folk song
- "Diamonds And Rust" ( Joan Baez) - 2003
- "The Emigrant Song" (Mary McCaslin) - 2001
- "Eve of Destruction" (words & music by P.F. Sloan, 1965) - 2011
- "Frankie and Johnny" (folk song) - 2005
- "Garbage" (words & music by Pete Seeger) - 2017
- "The Garden Song (Inch By Inch)" - (words & music by David Mallett, 1978 - 2011
- "Going Down The Valley" (Jessie Brown-J.H. Fillmore, 1890) -2004, 2010
- "Goodnight, Irene" (words & music by Huddie Ledbetter and Alan Lomax) -
2010, 2015
- "The Good Times We Had" - Peter, Paul and Mary - 2011
- "Hobo's Lullaby" by Woody Guthrie -2010
- "Home on the Range" (1873) - 2007
- "I Can't Help Wonder Where I'm Bound" (words&music: Tom Paxton)-2005
- "If I Had A Hammer" by Lee Hayes & Pete Seeger, 1949 - 2005, 2018
- "I Ride An Old Paint" (Western song) - 2002
- "In The Pines" - 2009
- "Joe Hill" (words by Alfred Hayes/ music by Earl Robinson, 1938) - 2011
- "Joe Hill's Last Will" (words by Joe Hill, 1915/ music by Ethel Raim, 1961) - 2007, 2011
- "Keep Me From Glowing Away"(Paul Craft, 1970s) - 2005
- "Let The Mystery Be" (words & music by Iris DeMent, 1992) - 2008
- "The Last Thing On My Mind" (1960s) - 2007
- "Living in the Country" (1956) - 2007
- "Louisiana, 1927" (music by Randy Newman) - 2016
- "Michael Row The Boat Ashore" - 2018
- "Matilda, Matilda" (words & music by Harry Thomas, 1953) - 2012
- "Midnight Special" (Huddie Ledbetter/ Leadbelly) - 2004
- "Our Town" (Iris DeMent) - 2001, 2007
- "Puff The Magic Dragon" (words & music by Peter Yarrow and Leonard Lipton, 1963) - 2011
- "Rank Strangers" (Ralph Stanley) - 2003
- "Roll On, Columbia" (Woody Guthrie, 1941) - 2014
- "She Sits At Her Loom" (words & music by Aubrey Atwater, 1996) - 2005
- "Streets Of Laredo" (Cowboy ballad) - 2003, 2008
- "This Land is Your Land" (words & music by Woody Guthrie, 1940) -
2005, 2016, 2017
- "Times Are Gettin' Hard" - 2008
- "The Times They A-Changin'" (words & music by Bob Dylan, 1963) - 2005, 2014, 2015
- "Turn, Turn, Turn" (Pete Seeger, 1962) - 2014
- "We Shall Overcome" (adapted by Ziphinia Horton, Frank Hamilton, Guy Garawan, Pete Seeger, Tony Saletan, 1963) - 2014
- "When I Go to West Virginia (Coal Mine Owner's Daughter) (Aubrey Atwater, 1996) - 2005
- "When Love Was Young" (words & music by Iris DeMent) - 2010
- "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" (words & music by Pete Seeger, 1962) - In memory
of Mary Travers, 2009
III. Religious Music -- sacred or gospel = 53 tunes [12]:
- "Amazing Grace" (words by John Newton, 1799/ music by unknown composer first published in The Southern Harmony, in 1835) -2005
- "As The Heart Panteth" - by William Billings, 1770
- "Blended Together" (words & music by Elder Joseph Holden, 1870) -2011
- "Blessing and Glory" (music by Edwin Arthur Jones, 1874) - 2004
- "Canaan's Land" - 2005
- +"Celestial Praises" - Shaker hymn, 1841 (arranged by Roger Hall)- 2015
- "Come, Join in One Accord" (music by Roger Lee Hall, 1980)
- +"Come Life, Shaker Life" (Shaker song by Issachar Bates) - 2004
- "Come Thou Fount" (tune: NETTLETON in John Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, Part II, 1813/ text: Robert Robertson) - 2006
- +"Creator God, We Give You Thanks" (words: Betty Anne J. Arner/
music: Roger Hall, 1978, 1993, 2010) - 2008, 2012
- "Crucifixion"(music by William Billings, 1786) - 2005
- "A Cup of Rejoicing" (Shaker hymn, 1846) - 2007
- "David's Lamentation" (music by William Billings, 1778) - 2016
- +"Deep River" - Afro-American Spiritual (arranged by R.L. Hall) -2010
- "Dormant" (Jacob French, 1802) - 2014
- Down in the Valley to Pray" Traditional Appalachian, adapted by Doc Watson
- "Draw Me Close/ Forever/ The Heart Of Worship" (music by Michael W. Smith) - 2008
- +"Gentle Words" (Shaker song by Sister Polly M. Rupe, 1867/
arr. Roger Lee Hall, 1976) -
2003, 2009, 2016
- "Good Believer's Life" (Shaker hymn) - 2011
- "Heavenly Music" (Shaker song by Nelson Phillips, 1853) - 2017
- "How Can I Keep From Singing" (words by Anne Warner/
music by Rev. Robert Lowry, 1864) - 2006
- "How Glorious is Our Heavenly King (SHARON by William Billings, 1778) - 2007
- +"The Humble Heart" (Shaker hymn - words by Sister Eunice Wyeth/ music by Elder Thomas Hammond,
about 1820) - 2005, 2016
- "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" (words: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1863/ music by Johnny Marks, 1956) - 2008
- "I'm On My Way To Zion" (Shaker song, 1851) - 2013
- "I Will Come Down in the Valley" (Shaker song by Sister Eva Frank,
Sabbathday Lake, Maine, about 1889) - 2005
- "In Yonder Valley" (Shaker song by Elder James Whittaker, 1787) - 2003, 2012
- "Jesus Loves Me" (Gospel song, 1862) - 2007
- "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms" (Anthony J. Showalter & Elish Hoffman)-2017
- +"Love is Little" (Shaker song arranged by Roger lee Hall) - 2002
- "May I Softly Walk and Wisely Speak" (Shaker song, 1869) - 2013
- "More Love" (Shaker hymn, 1870) - 2007
- +"My Shaker Home" (by Sister Lillian Phelps, 1959/arr. R.L. Hall, 2009) -
2015, 2018
- "A Prayer For The Captive" - Shaker hymn by Sister Cecilia DeVere, 1862 - 2015
- "Shall We Gather At The River" (Robert Lowery, 1864) - 2014, 2018
- +"Simple Gifts" (words & music by Elder Joseph Brackett/arr. R.L. Hall) -
2001, 2009, 2014,2018
- +"They Who Seek the Throne of Grace" (hymn by Roger Lee Hall, 1979) - 2005
- "(There'll Be) Peace in the Valley" (Gospel song, 1937) - 2007
- "Tree of Life" (words & music by Elder Otis Sawyer, Sabbathday Lake, Maine, about 1876) -
2005, 2007
- +"Welcome, Welcome" (Shaker song by Sister Rosetta Cummings, 1869) - 2006
- +"We Will All Go Home With You" (Shaker song from Canterbury, NH,1862) - 2009
- "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" (words: Joseph Medlicott Scriven/
music by Charles Converse, 1868) - 2006
- "What Wondrous Love Is This?" (Traditional American folk hymn from the
Southern Harmony collection,1835)
IV. Popular Music = 196 tunes [2]:
- "Abraham, Martin And John" (words & music by Dick Holler, 1968) - 2008
- "Addicted To Love" words & music by Robert Palmer) -2010
- "After You've Gone" (In memory of Rob)(words: Harry Creamer/music:Turner Layton, 1918) - 2017
- "Ain't Misbehavin'" (words:AndyRazaf/music:Fats Waller & Harry Brooks)-2014
- "Alexander's Ragtime Band" (words & music by Irving Berlin, 1911) - 2011, 2014
- "All The Things You Are" (lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II/music: Jerome Kern) - 2001, 2004, 2014
- "All The Way" (lyrics: Sammy Cahn/music: James Van Heusen, 1956) -2015, 2017
- "America" from WEST SIDE STORY (lyrics: Stephen Sondheim/
music: Leonard Bernstein, 1957) - 2007
- "Anything Goes" (Cole Porter, 1934) - 2014
- "At Seventeen" (music & lyrics by Janis Ian, 1975) - 2005
- "Always" (words & music by Irving Berlin) - 2003
- "Are You Making Any Money?" (music & lyrics by Herman Hupfeld, 1933) - 2005
- "Autumn In New York" (Vernon Duke, 1935) - 2008
- "Autumn Leaves" (lyrics by Johnny Mercer, 1955) - 2007
- "Back in the Saddle Again" "Back in the Saddle Again" (music & lyrics by Ray Whitley and Gene Autry, 1940) - 2005, 2007
- "Bad Case of Loving You Doctor Doctor " (Robert Palmer) -2010
- "Bali Hai" from SOUTH PACIFIC (words by Oscar Hammerstein II/
music by Richard Rodgers, 1949) -2012
- "Beat It" (words & music by Michael Jackson, 1983) - 2006
- "Bermuda" (words & music by Cynthia Strother and Eugene R. Strother) - 2003
- "A Better Place To Be" (Harry Chapin) - 2017
- "Blue Moon" (lyrics: Lorenz Hart/ music: Richard Rodgers) - 2003, 2008
- "Blue Skies" (words & lyrics by Irving Berlin, 1927) - 2005, 2008
- "Boogie Blues" (words & music by Gene Krupa and Ray Biondi, 1945) - 2005
- "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?" (lyrics: E.Y. Harburg/ music: Jar Gorney) - 2003
- "But Not For Me" (lyrics: Ira Gershwin/ music: George Gershwin, 1930) - 2007
- "Buttons and Bows" (music & lyrics by Jay Livingston & Ray Evans,1948) - 2005
- "By The Waters Of Minnetonka" (words by J.M. Cavanass/ music by
Thuirlow Lieurance, 1921) -2012
- "Call of the Canyon" (music & lyrics by Billy Hill, 1940) - 2005, 2007
- "Carl Yastremski" (baseball song, 1967) - 2007
- "Carolina Moon" (words by Benny Davis/ music by Joe Burke, 1929) - 2012
- "Cat's In The Cradle" (Harry Chapin) - 2017
- "Chances Are" (words by Al Stillman/music by Robert Allen, 1957) - 2011, 2014, 2015
- "A Change Is Gonna Come" (music & lyrics by Sam Cooke, 1965) -2017
- "Cool, Cool Considerate Men" from 1776 (words & music by Sherman Edwards, 1969) - 2009, 2013
- "Dance With Me Henry" (Johnny Otis, Hank Ballard, Etta James) - 2014
- "Dangerous" (Jackson-Bottrell-Riley, 1991) - 2018
- "Day By Day" (lyrics: Sammy Cahn/music: Axel Stordahl & Paul Weston) - 2002
- "Distracted" (1980) - 2007
- "Do I Hear A Waltz" (words:Stephen Sondheim/music: Richard Rodgers,1965) - 2014 [50]
- "Don't Fence Me In" (music & lyrics by Cole Porter, 1944) - 2004, 2005
- "Down Where The Wurlitzer Flows" (words: Vincent F. Bryan/music: Harry Von Tilzer, 1902) - 2015
- "Dream" (words and music by Johnny Mercer, 1944) - 2009
- "Dream A Little Dream Of Me" (lyrics: Gus Edwards/ music: Fabian Andre and Wilbur Schwandt, 1931) - 2009, 2018
- +"Dream World" (music & lyrcis by Lee Hall, 1961) - 2007
- "End of the Line" - The Traveling Wilburys -2010
- "Enjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You Think) (words by Herb Magidson/
music by Carl Sigman, 1950) - 2012
- "The Folks Who Live On The Hill" (lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II/
music: Jerome Kern, 1937) - 2008
- "For Sentimental Reasons" (words: Deke Watson/music: William Best, 1946)-2017
- "For Your Love" (words & music by Ed Townsend, 1958) - 2008
- "Free As The Breeze" (words & music by Lee Hall, 1965) - 2015
- "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)"- 2008
- "Good Little Girls (Go To Heaven)" (words by Sammy Cahn/
music by Vernon Duke, 1952) - 2013
- "Goodnight My Love" - 2008
- "Grandfather's Clock" (words & music by Henry Clay Work,1876) - 2003
- "Handle With Care" - The Traveling Wilburys -2010
- "Happy Days Are Here Again" (words by Jack Yellen/
music by Milton Ager,1929) - 2011
- "Hard Times Come Again No More" (words & music by Stephen Foster, 1855) - 2003
- "Have You Ever Been In Love?" - 2008
- "Hello Young Lovers" (lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II/music: Richard Rodgers) - 2002
- "Hey There" (words & music by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross, 1954) - 2009
- "Hold Me Back (Frankie and Johnny)"(1992) - 2007
- "Hold the Line" (David Paich, 1978) - 2007
- "Hoppy's Gone" (Johnny Slate, Larry Henley, Red Lane, 1972) - 2015
- "Hound Dog" (words & music by Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, 1953/1956) - 2012
- "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?" (Bob Merrill, 1953) - 2014
- "How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm" (After They've Seen Paree)
(words: Sam Lewis & Joe Young/music: Walter Donaldson, 1919) - 2014
- "I Am What I Am" from LA CAGE AUX FOLLES (words & music by Jerry Herman, 1983) - 2007
- "I Apologize" (words & music by Al Hoffman, Al Goodhart, Ed Nelson, 1931) - In memory of Marilyn Hopkins - 2008
- "If You Were The Only Girl In The World" (words: Clifford Grey/
music: Nat D. Ayer, 1916/ 1946) - 2012
- "I'll Be Seeing You" (words: Irving Kahal/ music: Sammy Fain, 1938) - 2016
- "I'll Never Smile Again" (words & music by Ruth Lowe, 1939) - 2018
- I'll Tell The Man In The Street" (music: Richard Rodgers/ words: Lorenz Hart, 1938) - 2008, 2010
- "I'm Alive" - 2008
- "I'm Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover" (music: Harry Woods/ lyrics: Mort Dixon, 1927) -
2005, 2007
- "I'm So Excited" (The Pointer Sisters & Trevor Lawrence, 1984) - 2007
- "I Feel Pretty" from WEST SIDE STORY (S. Sondheim & L. Bernstein, 1957) - 2007
- "It's Been A Long, Long Time" (words: Sammy Cahn/ music: Jule Styne, 1945) - 2012
- "I Will Survive" (Freddie Perrin & Dino Ferkaris, 1978) - 2018
- "The Impossible Dream" from MAN OF LA MANCHA (lyrics: Joe Darion/ music: Mitch Leigh, 1965) -2007
- "I Say a Little Prayer" (lyrics: Hal David, music: Burt Bacharach, 1967) - 2007
- "It's Now Or Never" (words & music adapted by Aaron Schroeder and Wally Gold,1960) -2010
- "I Wanna Be Around" (words & music by Johnny mercer, 1959) -2013
- "It's A Good Day" (Peggy Lee and Dave Barbour, 1946) - 2018
- "It Was A Very Good Year" (words & music by Ervin Drake, 1961) - 2003, 2011 [100]
- "I've Got The Sun In The Morning" (words & music: Irving Berlin) - 2001
- "I Went To Your Wedding" ( words & music by Jessie Mae Robinson, 1952) - 2012
- "I Whistle A Happy Tune" (lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II/
music: Richard Rodgers) - 2001, 2007, 2009
- "I Will Survive" (words & music by Dino Ferkaris & Freddie Perren, 1979) - 2017
- "Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair"words and music by Stephen Foster, 1854) - 2006
- "Jukebox Saturday Night" (words: Al Stillman/music: Paul McCrane, 1942)-2016
- "K-K-K-Katy" (music & lyrics by Geoffrey O'Hara, 1918) - 2005, 2017
- "Keep Me From Blowing Away" (words & music by Paul Craft) - 2003
- "Last Night When We Were Young" (music: Harold Arlen/lyrics: E.Y. Harburg, 1936) - 2005
- "The Last Round-Up" (words & music by Billy Hill, 1933) - 2004
- "Leaving On A Jet Plane" (words & music John Denver, 1966) - 2018
- "Let Our Love Never Fade" (words and music by Mike and Heather Humrich, 1995) - 2010
- "Let's Fall In Love" (words: Ted Koehler/music: Harold Arlen, 1933) - 2016
- "Lorena" (words: Rev. H.D.L. Webster/music: J.P. Webster) -2002
- "Lost In The Stars" (lyrics: Maxwell Anderson/ music: Kurt Weill, 1949) - 2001
- "Mama Don't Allow It" (words & music by Charles "Cow Cow" Davenport, 1927) - 2004
- "Manana" (words & music by Peggy Lee and Dave Barbour, 1948) - 2005
- "Man of La Mancha" (Joe Darion-Mitch Leigh, 1965) - 2007
- "Mary's Boy Child" (words & music by Jester Hairston, 1956) - 2004
- "Mexicali Rose" (music: Jack B. Tenney/ lyrics: Helen Stone, 1922) - 2005
- "Mood Indigo" (words & music by Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington, Albany Barney Bigard, and Irving Mills, 1931) - 2005
- "Moonlight in Vermont" (lyrics: John Blackburn/music: Karl Suessdorf, 1944) - 2007
- "Morning Has Broken" (lyrics: Eleanor Farjeon/ music: Cat Stevens, 1971) -2002
- "Music Box Dancer" (words & music by Frank Mills, 1979) -2012
- "Music, Music, Music" (words & music by Stephen Weiss & Bernie Baum, 1950) - 2017
- "My Dreams Are Getting Better All The Time"(lyrics: Mann Curtis/
music: Vic Mizzy,1945)
- "My Old Kentucky Home" (words & music by Stephen Foster, 1852) - 2015
- "My Way" (English words by Paul Anka/music by Jacques Revaux and
Laude Francois, 1969) - 2006
- "The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane" (words & music by Sid Tepper
and Roy C. Bennett, 1955) - 2008
- "A New Day Has Come" - 2008
- "Night and Day" (words & music: Cole Porter, 1932)
- "Oh, How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning" (Irving Berlin, 1918) - 2014
- "Open Thy Lattice Love" (words by George P. Morris/
music by Stephen Foster, 1844) - 2006
- "Our Town" (lyrics: Sammy Cahn/ music: James Van Heusen) -2008
- "Peg O' My Heart" (words & music by Albert Bryan & Fred Fisher, 1913)-2016
- "Perfidia" (lyrics: Milton Leeds/ music: Alberto Dominquez/ , 1941) - 2008
- "Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)" - 2008
- "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" (lyrics: Hal David/
music: Burt Bacharach) - 2001
- "Right In Front Of You" - 2008
- "Satin Doll" (lyrics: Johnny Mercer/ music: Billy Strayhorn and Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington, 1958) - 2005
- "Saving Myself For You" (lyrics by Sammy Cahn/ music by Saul Chaplin, 1938) - 2004
- "A Shine On Your Shoes" (lyrics: Howard Dietz/ music: Arthur Schwartz) - 2001
- "Singing The Blues" (words & music by Melvin Endsley, 1957) - 2009
- "Skylark" (lyrics by Johnny Mercer/ music by Hoagy Carmichael, 1942) - 2004
- +"The Soho Serenade" (words & music by Roger Hall, 1964) - 2003, 2011, 2014, 2015
- "Some Enchanted Evening" from SOUTH PACIFIC (words: Oscar Hammerstein II/ music: Richard Rodgers, 1949) - 2012
- "Someone To Watch Over Me" from Broadway show, OH, KAY! (lyrics by
Ira Gershwin/music by George George, 1926) - 2004
- "Speak Low" (lyrics: Ogden Nash/ music: Kurt Weill, 1943) - 2008
- "Stormy Weather" (lyrics: Ted Koehler/ music: Harold Arlen, 1933) -2007
- "Surrender" (words & music adapted by Doc Pomus and Mort Schuman, 1960) - 2011
- "Suspicious Minds" (words & music by Mark James, 1969) - 2006
- "The Sweetest Sounds I Ever Heard" from the Broadway musical, NO STRINGS (words & music by Richard Rodgers, 1962) - 2004
- "Sweet Violets" (words & music adapted by Cy Coben and Charles Grean, 1951) - 2008
- "Take Five" (music by Dave Brubeck, 1961) -2007
- "Take Me Home Country Roads" (words & music by Bill Danoff, John Denver, Taffy Nivert, 1971) - 2007
- "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" (music: Albert Von Tilzer/ words: Jack Norworth, 1908) - 2008, 2009, 2017
- "Taxi" (Harry Chapin) - 2017
- "They Can't Take That Away From Me"(words: I. Gershwin/music: G. Gershwin) - 2003
- "These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You)" (lyrics: Holt Manvell/ music: Jack Strachey and Harry Link, 1936) - 2007, 2016
- "They Were You" from THE FANTASTICKS (music: Harvey Schmidt /lyrics: Tom Jones, 1960) - 2005
- "The Thing" (words & music by Charles Grean, 1950) - 2008
- "Thriller" (words & music by Rod Temperton, 1982) - 2018
- "Tumbling Tumbleweeds" (words & music: Bob Nolan, 1934) - 2002, 2005
- "Turn Around" (Malvina Reynolds-Alan Greene, 1958) - 2006
- "Twelve Of Never" (words: Paul Francis Webster/
music: Jerry Livingston,1957) -2015
- "Unforgettable" (words & music by Irving Gordon, 1951) - 2009
- "Urgent" (words & music by Mick Jones, 1981) - 2018
- "The Vacant Chair" (words & music by George F. Root, 1862) - 2004
- Van Lingle Mungo" (music by Dave Frishberg, 1969) - 2008, 2018
- "Vaya Con Dios" (May God Be With You) (words & music by Larry Russell, Inez James, and Buddy Pepper, 1953) - In memory of Les Paul - 2009
- "Walk On By" (Hal David & Burt Bacharach, 1963) - 2018
- "What'll I Do?" (words & music by Irving Berlin, 1924)- 2004, 2010
- "When Will I Be Loved?" (words & music by Phil Everly, 1961) - 2017
- "When You Away" (words: Henry Blosson, music: Victor Herbert, 1914)-2014
- "Where Or When" (words: Lorenz Hart/music: Richard Rodgers, 1937) - 2016, 2017
- "Will You Stll Love Me Tomorrow?" (words & music by Carole King & Gerry Goffin,1961) - 2017
- "Willow Weep For Me" (words & music by Ann Ronnell, 1932)
- "Wind Beneath My Wings" (words & music by Larry Henley & Jeff Silbar, 1983) -2017
- "W.O.L.D." (Harry Chapin) -2017
- "You're Just In Love" (Irving Berlin, 1951) - 2014
- "You Are My Sunshine" (Jimmie Davis-Charles Mitchell, 1940) - 2006
- "You Asked Me If I Loved You" (Harry T. Burleigh) - 2014
- "You Belong To Me" (words & music by Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart, Chilton Price, 1952) - 2008
- "You Go To My Head" (Haven Gillespie/ music: J. Fred Coots) - 2003, 2008
- "Young Love" (words by Ric Cartey/ music by Carole Joyner, 1956) - 2011
- "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher" - words& music by Gary L. Jackson, Raynard Minor, Carl Smith, 1967) -2004
V. Classical Music -- classical themes and concert songs = 47 tunes [4]:
- "Adagio for Strings" (music by Samuel Barber, 1938) - 2007
- "Allleluia" (music by Randall Thompson, 1940) - 2014, 2018
- "Be Glad Then, America" from New England Tritptch(music by William Billings/
arranged and orchestrated by William Schuman, 1956) - 2006
- "Blues" from INTERPLAY (ballet by Morton Gould, 1945) - 2001
- "Cakewalk" (music by Hershey Kay, 1951/ adapted from 19th century piano music
of Louis Moreau Gottschalk) - 2005
- "A Christmas Carol" (words & music by Charles Ives, 1894) - 2014
- "Cradle Song" (Cecil Burleigh) - 2014
- "The Dark Night is Ending" (music by Roger Lee Hall, 1988) - 2007, 2008
- "Earth's Only Paradise" from ODE TO THE VIRGINIAN VOYAGE, music by Randall Thompson, 1957) - 2007
- "El Salon Mexico" (music by Aaron Copland, 1938) - 2008
- "The empty handed traveller" from the opera, THE CONSUL, music by Gian Carlo Menotti, 1950 - 2007
- "Fanfare For The Common Man" (music by Aaron Copland, 1942) - 2018
- Third movement, Opening Theme from Fourth Symphony) - Charles Ives - 2014
- "From The Land Of Sky Blue Waters" (music by Charles Cadman, 1909) - 2014
- "Hosea" or "Come Back to Me"( written by Gregory Norbet) - 2003
- "How Lovely Shines The Morning Star" from NOEL
(music by
George Whitefield Chadwick, 1909) - 2009
- "I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'" from the opera, PORGY AND BESS (lyrics by Ira Gershwin & DuBose Heyward/ music by George Gershwin, 1935) - 2004, 2008
- "Impressions of the Wa-Wan Cerelmony" (music by Arthur Farewell)- 2015
- "Look unto me" from the cantata, SONG OF OUR SAVIOUR (1881)-
music by Edwin Arthur Jones - 2007
- "Mardi Gras Overture" (music by Joseph Edward Collins) - 2015
- +"We give you a gift of our songs" (words & music by Roger Hall) - 2008
- "My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free" (music by Francis Hopkinson, 1759) - 2009
- "A Night Song" (music by Charles Ives, 1895) - 2005
- "Old Man's Love Song" (music by Arthur Farewell) - 2015
- +"The Pleasures Of Variety" (words by William Billings, 1794/
music by Roger Lee Hall, 1980) - 2012
- "Praise Ye The Lord" (music by Edwin Arthur Jones, 1874) - 2002
- "A Prayer" (Henry Hadley, 1919) - 2014
- "The Promise of Living" from the opera, THE TENDER LAND,music by Aaron Copland, 1954) - 2001, 2021
- "The Silver Horn" (words & music by Henry Clay Work, 1883) - 2005
- "Song of the Soul" (music by Henry Hadley) - 2004
- "Summertime" from the opera, PORGY AND BESS ( lyrics: DuBose Heyward/
music: George Gershwin) - 2003, 2005
- "Sure on this shining night" (music by Samuel Barber, 1941) - 2007
- "Stop Time Rag" (music by Scott Joplin) - 2007
- "Theme from Second movement of Symphony No. 2 by Howard Hanson, 1930 - 2018
- "Turn Ye, Turn Ye" (music by Charles Ives, 1890) - 2015
- "Variations on AMERICA (orchestrated by William Schuman, 1963 /based on an organ piece by Charles Ives, 1891) - 2005
- +"Seven Variations on an Original Melody (music by Roger Lee Hall, 1968) - 2015, 2018
- +"Seven Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune" (music by Roger Lee Hall, 1971) -
2004, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017
- "Variations on a Shaker Melody (Simple Gifts)" (music by Aaron Copland, 1967) - 2002

VI. Film Music -- film score themes or movie songs = 138:
- "Ac-cent-tchu-ate The Positive" from HERE COME THE WAVES -- lyrics: Johnny Mercer/music by Harold Arlen, 1944) - 2009. 2015
- "Alive and Kickin'" (words & music by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane)
- "All I Do Is Dream Of You" (words: Arthur Freed/Music: Nacio herb brown, 1934) featured in SINGING IN THE RAIN (1952) - 2016
- ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TO (Main Theme) - music by Max Steiner - 2015
- "Anywhere I Wander" from the film, HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON
(words & music by Frank Loesser, 1952) - 2008
- "As Time Goes By" from CASABLANCA, 1942 (words & music: Herman Hupfeld, 1931) - 2002, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2022
- "Baby Elephant Walk" from HATARI (Henry Mancini, 1962) - 2014
- "Baby It's Cold Outside" from NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER (words & music by Frank Loesser, & 1949) -2010
- THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Main Title (music by David Raksin, 1952) - 2004
- "Barn Dance" and "Lonesome Polecat"from
music: Gene DePaul, 1954) - 2010
- "Better Luck Next Time" from EASTER PARADE (Irving Berlin, 1948) - 2014
- "Buttons And Bows" from THE PALEFACE (words by Ray Evans/ music by Jay Livingston, 1948) - 201
- "Spring, Spring, Spring" from SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS - 2009
- "Lonesome Polecat" from SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS - 2009
- "Beginner's Luck" from SHALL WE DANCE (words: Ira Gershwin/
music: George Gershwin, 1937) - 2014
(lyrics: Sammy Cahn/music: Nicholas Brodsky, 1950) - 2009
- "Blue Shadows On The Trail" from Disney film, MELODY TIME (lyrics by Johnny Lange/ music by Elliott Daniel, 1948) - 2004
- "Breakfast Montage" from CITIZEN KANE (music by Bernard Herrmann,1941) - 2016
- "Call Me Irresponsible" from PAPA'S DELICATE CONDITION (words by Sammy Cahn/ music by James Van Heusen, 1963) - 2013, 2016
- THE CARDINAL (Main Title) (music by Jerome Moross, 1963) - 2013
- "CASABLANCA" (Main Title) (music by Max Steiner, 1942) - 2013
- "Cheek to Cheek" from film musical, TOP HAT (music & lyrics by Irving Berlin, 1935)-2004
- "Cortina" from THE PINK PANTHER (music by Henry Mancini, 1964) - 2004
- "A Couple of Song and Dance Men" from BLUE SKIES (words and music
by Irving Berlin, 1946) - 2009
- "Crucifixion" theme from BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (music by Franz Waxman, 1935)-2004
- "Days of Wine and Roses" from THE DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES
music: Henry Mancini/ lyrics: Johnny Mercer, 1962) - 2005, 2022
- "Dearly Beloved" from YOU WERE NEVER LOVELIER
(lyrics: Johnny Mercer/music: Jerome Kern, 1942) - 2002, 2011
- "Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin" from western film, HIGH NOON (lyrics by Ned Washington/ music by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1952) - 2004, 2005
- "Dust" from western film, UNDER WESTERN SKIES (words & music by Johnny Marvin, 1938) - 2004
- DUEL IN THE SUN (Main Title) from the film (score by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1946) - 2003
- "Easy To Love" from film musical, BORN TO DANCE (music & lyrics by Cole Porter, 1936)- 2004
- "Empty Saddles" from RHYTHM ON THE RANGE (music: Billy Hill, 1936 ) - 2005
- THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (Prelude) - Dimitri Tiomkin,1964) - 2014
- "Flying Theme" from E.T.: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (John Williams, 1982) - 2005
- "A Foggy Day (in London Town)" from film musical, A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS (lyrics by Ira Gershwin/music by Geoge Gershwin, 1937) - 2004
- "Follow The River" from the film, NIGHT PASSAGE (lyrics: Ned Washington/ music: Dimitri Tiomkin, 1957) - 2008
- "Folliwng The Stars" from HOP-ALONG CASIDY (1935) - words & music by Sam H. Stept and Dave Franklin) - 2015
- FOREVER AMBER - Main Title (music by David Raksin, 1947) - 2004
music by Bernard Herrmann, 1947 - 2017
- GIANT - Main Title (score by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1956) - 2006
- "The Green Leaves of Summer" from THE ALAMO
(lyrics: Paul Frances Webster/music: Dimitri Tiomkin, 1960) - 2003, 2010
- "Gunfight At The O.K. Corral" from the film ( lyrics: Ned Washington/ music: Dimitri Tiomkin, 1957) - 2003, 2009
- "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"from MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (words & music by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane, 1944) - 2005, 2006
- "The High and the Mighty" from film, THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY (lyrics by Ned Washington/ music by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1954) - 2004
- "High Hopes" from A HOLE IN THE HEAD (words by Sammy Cahn/
music by James Van Heusen, 1959) - 2013 [In Memory of Sammy Cahn]
- "Home Is Where The Heart Is" (lyrics: Hal David/ music: Sherman Edwards, 1962) - 2008
- "Hooray For Hollywood" from HOLLYWOOD HOTEL (lyrics: Johnny Mercer/music: Richard Whiting, 1937) - 2009
- "If We Were In Love" from the film YES, GIORGIO (lyrics: Alan & Marilyn Bergman/ music: John Williams, 1982
[In memory of Luciano Pavarotti) - 2007
- "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen" from THE QUIET MAN (arranged by Victor Young, 1950) -2010
- "Indian Love Call" from ROSE-MARIE (words by otto Harbach and Oscar Hammerstein II/ music by Rudolph Friml, 1924) - 2012
- "In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening" from HERE COMES THE GROOM (words by Johnny mercer/ music by Hoagy Carmichael, 1951) - 2012
- "Island In The Sun" (words & music by Harry Belafonte & Irving Burgie, 1957)-2016
- "It's A Lovely Day Today" from the film, CALL ME MADAM (words & music by Irving Berlin, 1950) - 2008
- "It's Easy To Remember (But So Hard To Forget)" (words: Lorenz Hart/
music: Richard Rodgers, 1935) - 2018
- "I've Got A Gal in Kalamazoo" from ORCHESTRA WIVES (lyrics:Mack Gordon/ music by Harry Warren, 1942) - 2004
- JAWS (Main Theme) - music by John Williams, 1975 - 2015
- "Jingle, Jangle, Jingle" from film THE FOREST RANGERS (lyrics: Frank Loesser/ music: Joseph J. Lilley, 1942) - 2003, 2005, 2008
- LAURA - Main Title ( music by David Raksin, 1944) - 2004, 2012
- "Let's Face The Music And Dance" from FOLLOW THE FLEET (Irving Berlin,1936) - 2014
- "Let The River Run" from WORKING GIRL (words&music by Carly Simon)- 2018
- THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER - Main Theme (music by
Jerry Goldsmith, 1963)-2004
- "The Look of Love" (lyrics: Hal David/music: Burt Bacharach) -2002, 2007
- "Love Me Tender" (based on a Civil War era song: "Aura Lee"/ new words and arranged tune by Ken Darby, 1956) - 2006
- "Lullaby" from THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (words by Davis Grubb/
music by Walter Schumann, 1955) - 2013
- "Mare Nostrum" from VICTORY AT SEA (music by Richard Rodgers, orchestrated by Robert Russell Bennett) - 2005
- "Maria's Song" from THE SEA HAWK (lyrics: Howard Koch/music: Erich Wolfgang Korngold, 1940) - 2009
- "Martin's Summer" from THE TWILIGHT ZONE TV series (music by Bernard Herrmann, 1959) - 2009
- "Moon River" from BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S (words by Johnny Mercer/
music by Henry Mancini, 1961) - 2011, 2015
- MR. LUCKY - TV theme by Henry Mancini, 1960 - 2008
- "My Rifle, My Pony and Me" from RIO BRAVO (lyrics: Paul Francis Webster/music: Dimitri Tiomkin, 1959) - 2009
- OBSESSION (Main Theme) - music by Bernard Herrmann, 1976- 2015
- "Ol' Man River" from SHOW BOAT (lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II/ music: Jerome Kern, 1928 - sung by Paul Robeson in the 1936 film version) - 2009
- "Orchids In The Moonlight" (music: Vincent Youmans / lyrics: Edward Eliscu and Gus Kahn, 1933 from FLYING DOWN TO RIO - 2005
- "Our Town" (Main Theme) from OUR TOWN (music score by Aaron Copland, 1940) - 2009
- "Over The Rainbow" from the film, THE WIZARD OF OZ (lyrics by E.Y. Harburg/music by Harold Arlen, 1939) - 2004, 2007
- PICNIC (Love Theme) - music by George Duning, 1955 - 2015
- "Prelude" from THE DAY THE EARTH STILL (score by Bernard Herrmann, 1951) -2005
- "Prelude" from KING OF KINGS (score by Miklos Rozsa, 1961) - 2005
- "Prelude" from PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE (score by Miklos Rozsa, 1952) - 2007
- RAINTREE COUNTRY (Song) (lyrics: Paul Francis Webster/ music: Johnny Green, 1957 - 2010
- RED RIVER (Main Theme) music by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1948 - 2014
- "Remember My Forgotten Man" from GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933
(words by Al Dubin/ music by Harry Warren) - 2011
- THE RIVER - Main Theme (documentary film score by Virgil Thomson, 1937)-2004
- "The Shadow Of Your Smile" (words: Paul Francis Webster/ music: Johnny Mandel, 1965) - 2015 [100]
- "Singin' in the Rain"(music: Nacio Herb brown/ lyrics: Arthur Freed, 1929) - 2005
- "Something's Gotta Give" (words & music by Johnny Mercer, 1955) - 2005
- SPARTACUS (Love Theme) - music by Alex North, 1960) - 2010, 2018
YouTube of this theme (in Stereo) -- click here
- STAR WARS (Main Title) from film of same title (score by John Williams,1977) -2003
- "Stay With Me" from THE CARDINAL (music by Jerome Moross, 1963) - 2013
- THE SUNDOWNERS (Main Title) - (music score by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1960) - 2005
- "Take Me Back To Those Wide Open Spaces" from the Hopalong Cassidy western,
TRAIL DUST (words&music: Harry Tobias & Jack Stern, 1936) - 2004
- "That Old Black Magic" from STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM (1942) - 2007
- "Thanks For The Memory" from THE BIG BROADCAST OF 1938 (lyrics: Leo Robin/ music: by Ralph Rainger, 1938) - In Memory of Grace Bradley Boyd - 2010
- "That's Amore" from THE CADDY (words by Jack Brooks/
music by Harry Warren, 1951) - 2012
- "That's Entertainment" from the film, THE BAND WAGON (yrics: Howard Dietz/ music: Arthur Schwartz, 1953) - 2008
- "There's No Business Like Show Business" from film with same title, 1954 (words & music by Irving Berlin) - 2008
- "The Way You Look Tonight" from SWING TIME (words: Dorothy Firleds/
music: Jerome Kern, 1936) - 2018
- "Three Coins In The Fountain" (words: Sammy Cahn, music: Jule Styne, 1954) - 2014
- "Tuesday's Theme" from the film, BACHELOR FLAT (music by Johnny Williams, 1962) - 2008
- TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD ( Main Title) (music by Elmer Bernstein, 1962) - 2004,2005, 2012
- "Tomorrow" from CONSTANT NYMPH (words by Margaret Kennedy/
music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, 1943) -2011
- "Town Without Pity" (words by Ned Washington/ music by Dimitri Tiomkin, 1961)
- 2011
- VERTIGO (Love Theme) - from film of same title
(score by Bernard Herrmann,1958)- 2003
- "Walking The Dog" from SHALL WE DANCE (George Gershwin, 1937) - 2014, 2017
- WALK ON THE WILD SIDE - Main Theme (music by Elmer Bernstein, 1962) - 2004
- "We're In The Money" from GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (words by Al Dubin/
music by Harry Warren, 1933) - 2013
- "What's New, Pussycat?" from film of same title (lyrics: Hal David/ music: Burt Bacharach, 1965) - 2003
- WHEN A MAN LOVES (Love Theme) - music by Henry Hadley, 1926 - 2014
- "When I Fall In Love" from ONE MINUTE TO ZERO and SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE (music: Victor Young /lyrics: Edward Heyman, 1952 ) - 2005
- "White Christmas" from HOLIDAY INN (words & music by Irving Berlin, 1942)
2018 - Original recorded version sung by Bing Crosby -- click here
- "Wooden Heart" from G.I. BLUES,1960 (based on a German folk song/ words & music adapted by Bert Kaempfert, Kay Twomey, Ben Wiseman and Fred Wise) - 2006, 2009
- "Yankee Doodle Dandy" from the Hollywood musical of same title (1942) - 2003
- "You're Just In Love" from CALL ME MADAM, 1951 ( words & music by Irving Berlin) - 2008
- "You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To" from SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT (music & lyrics by Cole Porter) - 2007
- "You, My Love" from YOUNG AT HEART, 1954 - 2008
- "You Were Meant For Me" from THE BROADWAY MELODY (lyrics: Arthur Freed/ music: Nacio Herb Brown, 1929) - 2005

Total tunes chosen from 2001-2022 = 533
[20 tunes by Tune Week founder and composer, Roger Hall]
For more information about this free annual web event, click on this link --
National Carry A Tune Week
Tune Lists on this AMP website
American Tune Lovers Society
Essential American Recordings Survey [EARS]
100 Essential Film Scores of the 20th Century
50 song hits from 1956
50 song hits from 1957
50 song hits from 1958
50 song hits from 1959
50 song hits from 1960
50 song hits from 1961
The Great American Songbook
Sammy Film Music Awards
Song Anniversaries
Songs of World War II Era
Songs by Bing Crosby
Songs by Elvis Presley
Songs by Frank Sinatra
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National Carry A Tune Week

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