This is the largest multimedia collection about music of the Shakers
and includes over 500 files, 100 audio examples, 10 videos.

The collection was compiled by Roger Lee Hall, a Shaker music preservationist
and singer
who has researched and performed Shaker music for over 50 years.
He is also an ASCAP composer who has arranged many Shaker tunes, including "Simple Gifts."
Mr. Hall has presented many Shaker music lectures and research papers over the years
at museums and other locations in these states where Shakers had communities:
Connecticut, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Maine,
New York,
Kentucky, Ohio.
Also, he has presented scholarly papers on Shaker music
at the American Musicological Society Conference in Washington, D.C.,
Communal Studies Association,
Shaker Seminar,
and other conferences.
He has been a singer or consultant on 15 CDs with Shaker music.
Back in the 1970s and 1980s he interviewed several Shaker singers
in New Hampshire and Maine
and highlights are included in this collection.
This massive collection is published
by PineTree Press
and published
in commemoration of two important anniversaries:
1. The 250th anniversary of their spiritual head, Mother Ann Lee,
and a few other Shakers first arrival in America
after a long and dangerous voyage from England
on August 6, 1774.
2. The 50th anniversary of
composer Aaron Copland, arranger of the Shaker dance song, "Simple Gifts,"
Shakers from Maine
who were
in Shaker Heights, Ohio for a teacher workshop.
They were introduced thanks to Roger Hall.
The meeting took place on November 9, 1974.
An audio album is included on "A Shaker Music Miscellany" from the Shaker Heights teacher workshop
where the Shakers speak about their heritage and sing a few songs.
Here Aaron Copland meets Sister Mildred Barker:
© Picture by Gail M. Hall, 1974
One of the tunes in this nultimedia collection
tells about the 1774 event and was titled:
"On the Landing of Mother Ann in America"
This hymn from North Union, Ohio was edited by Roger Hall
and first performed in 1974
at the three-day conference in Cleveland, Ohio
celebrating the bicentennial
of the Shakers first arrival in America on August 6, 1774.
Here is the first verse of this hymn:
O hail this happy welcome day
When blessed Mother Ann
First landed in America
With her devoted band.
How did the wilderness resound
With Angel's songs of praise
When they on fair Columbia's ground
The gospel standard raised.
Again let the forest loudly resound,
Dear children of Mother;
Her beautiful way our Spirits have found
Surpassing all others.
Here are the folders
on "A Shaker Music Miscellany"
with music by Shaker Sisters and Brethren composed between 1783 and 1959
edited by Roger Hall.
01 - Introduction, Images and Information
02 - A Checklist of Published Shaker Hymnals
03 -
"Mother Ann's Song" - Mother Ann Lee (1783)
04 - "The Humble Heart" (hymn) - Eunice Wyeth (text)/ Thomas Hammond (tune)
05 -
"Come Life, Shaker Life" (dance song)- Issachar Bates
06 - "Followers of the Lamb" (hymn) - Clarissa Jacobs
07 -
"Simple Gifts" (dance song) - Joseph Brackett
08 -
"On The Landing Of Mother Ann In America" (hymn)
09 -
"Blended Together" (song) - Joseph Holden
10 -
"Millennial Praise" (anthem) - James G. Russell
11 - "Give Good Gifts" (song) - Martha Jane Anderson
12 -
"My Shaker Home" (song)- Lillian Phelps (1959)
13 - Audio: Sabbathday Lake Shaker Workshop in Ohio (1974)
14 -
Audio: Interviews with Shakers & Aaron Copland (1972-1987)
15 - Audio: Radio appearances with Roger Hall about Shaker music (1978, 1992)
16 - Videos: Choral concert (2013)
and rare 1960s TV program
Music samples of original Shaker tunes from this collection:
"Simple Gifts" - click here (for listening only)
"Give Good Gifts - click here (for listening only)
Please Note:
If you would rather order just one or more of the 10 Shaker tunes
listed above,
you can order them separately
for a reduced price.
To read how to order any of the above Shaker tune titles
-- go here
Now available on either one DVD-R in a slipcase or on a USB!

Note: This collection contains Word documents, audio and video examples.
This multi-media collection is only available here and not at any other web store outlets.
For this special multi-media collection and only until December 31, 2024,
the special reduced price is $20.24 including shipping (USA only).
Click the Quantity button ONE time.
For orders in countries outside of the USA, the cost is $40.48
and includes
Air Mail shipment.
Click the "Quantity" button TWO times.
When you place your order, please indicate if you wish DVD-R or USB.
To place your order, click the "Add to Cart" for payment
to PineTree Productions
through safe and secure PayPal.

After you have sent in your payment,
please send an e-mail
where you wish the DVD-ROM or USB
sent to you by clicking this link --
A Shaker Music Miscellany
For any questions, write to PineTree Productions -- click here

Roger Lee Hall is available to speak about his research on the best-known Shaker song,
"Simple Gifts" (aka: Tis the gift to be simple), or about some other Shaker music topic,
including Shaker music for the Christmas season.
To contact him by email -- click here.
Here are three AMRC CDs with his arrangements and editions of Shaker music:

This book available separately contains information about Shaker music and has
interviews with several Shakers in New Hampshire and Maine
and with composer, Aaron Copland.
It also includes a supplement with a Shaker Song Quartet arrangement for singers:
Click this picture to read more about the book:
Multi-media Publications