AMRC 00052: "The Humble Heart" - Twenty-four Shaker Spirituals
1. Welcome, Welcome (1862)- Shaker song (vocal)
2. Holy Habitation (1848) - Shaker tune (instrumental) -- listening sample: click here
3. The Humble Heart (ca. 1820) - Shaker hymn (vocal)
Voyage to Canaan (ca. 1810) - Shaker tune (instrumental)
Celestial Praises (1841) - Shaker hymn (vocal)
6. Christian Love (1980) - Shaker poem, new composition
7. My Shepherd (2011) - Shaker poem, new composition
8. A New Year's Prayer (2012) - Shaker poem, new composition
9. A Prayer (2011) - Shaker poem, new composition
10. May I Softly Walk (1869) - Shaker song (instrumental)
11. Simple Gifts (1848) - Shaker song (instrumental)
12. A Welcome Song (1869) - Shaker tune (instrumental)
13. Introduction to Zion (1848) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
14. Introduction to Souls (1846) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
15. Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune (1971) - new composition for piano
16. Celestial Choir (1847) - Shaker hymn (vocal)
17. Come Life, Shaker Life (1835) - Shaker song (instrumental)
18. The Millennium (1830s) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
19. Almighty Savior (1837) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
20. The Earthquake (1811) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
21. Reflections on Mother Ann's Birthday (1840) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
22. Farewell Vain World (1833) - Shaker hymn (instrumental)
23. Leave some good behind you (2011) - Shaker poem, new composition
24. We will all go home with you (1862) - Shaker song (vocal)
Also available separately:

This multimedia DVD-ROM has highlights
from his many years of researching and recording this American ommunal music:
The Humble Heart: A Fifty Year Survey of Shaker Music

AMRC 00048: "My Shaker Home" - Words & Music by Shaker Sisters -
This CD has received rave comments!
Includes arrangements and original compositions by Roger Lee Hall.
To listen to samples and order this CD -- click here

Hear a sample track from this CD:
"Welcome, Welcome" -- click here
AMRC 0042: "Search Thou My Heart" - A Musical Life
Roger Lee Hall has selected 20 of his favorites from 50 years of composition,
spanning the decades from his early pop and jazz songs
to a hymn dedicated to a beloved spiritual singer he knew for many years.
The title of this CD is a hymn set to a beautiful spiritual poem
by a member of the Shaker community at Sabbathday Lake, Maine,
Sister Ruth Mildred Barker (1897-1990), the best-known Shaker singer
of the
late 20th century shown here --

© Photograph by PineTree Music
Sister Mildred's poem was titled, "A New Year's Prayer." It was written for the
Beacon Light Club on January 1, 1921. Roger Lee Hall was fond of her poem
and composed a single line melody in 1983 which he dedicated to her.
In January of the following year the melody was harmonized
and first performed by a church choir,
directed by the composer.
In her note of appreciation, Sister Mildred
wrote to Roger:
"What a nice thing for you to do introducing my poor little poem with your church
through your music. I certainly feel very honored
and I do thank you."
In 2011, the hymn melody was revised for soloists and chorus
and the title changed to the first line of the poem.
The revised hymn was recorded
on this AMRC CD featuring soloists: Susan Papinsick and Jim Miller,
The Canterbury Singers,
Kathryn Southworth, Director.
To listen to "A New Year's Prayer" from the CD -- click here

AMRC 00034 - Hail To The Joyous Day! Christmas Music in America
Includes Christmas carols and songs, composed and arranged by Roger Hall
Read about this CD -- click here
AMRC 0028: AMERICAN PLACES - Musical Travels
This CD release was produced by Roger Lee Hall
and features one of his most popular instrumental compositions,
"Seven Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune"
Read more about this CD -- click here
Includes the title song - to read about the song -- click here

AMRC 0025: CREATOR GOD - Hymn and Spirituals

Sample arrangement from the CD: "Deep River" (Afro-American spiritual)
--click here

AMRC 0024: GENTLE PEACE - A Sampler of Songs and Instrumentals
For a list of all 18 of the CD tracks -- click here

Listen to "Peace" - choral version for soprano soloist and chorus --- click here
AMRC 0017: CELESTIAL PRAISES - A Celebration of Shaker Spirituals
8 arangements of many beautiful Shaker spirituals
performed by The Canterbury Singers
CD cover art by GMH Design.
Read more about this album -- click here
Watch a video on YouTube of "Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune"
performed by Kathryn Southworth, pianist -- click here

AMRC 0016: Gentle Words - A Shaker Music Sampler
8 arangements of beautiful Shaker spirituals
performed by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Choir, Plymouth Church Choir,
Cleveland Bicentennial Chorus, Shaker Heights High School Choraleers,
Colleen Liggett, Roger Lee Hall, and includes
conversations with the Shaker women and American composer, Aaron Copland,
plus "Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune" performed by David Hagan.
CD cover art by GMH Design.
PineTree Sheet Music:

To order any sheet music by Roger Lee Hall
go to PineTree Music -- click here

© Photograph by PineTree Press
Read about this composer's life in music
in his memoir --
Gentle Peace: Songs For Survival -- click here