Civil War Songs and Hymns
Music refines the taste, purifies the heart, and elevates our nature. It does more: it soothes in sorrow, tranquillizes in passion, and wears away the irritabilities of life. It intensifies love, it fires the patriotism, and makes the altar of our devotion burn with a purer, holier flame...when wealth and fame and worldly honor are felt to be nothing; when the aims and ambitions and aspirations which were wont to rouse up all the energies of nature toward their accomplishment fail of their accustomed power, music renders the burden of sickness light, and makes us all oblivious of pain and suffering.
-- W.W. Hall, M.D., Hall's Journal of Health for 1862

A Civil War Music Treasury

One of the sorrow spirituals, "Go Down, Moses," was
first sung during the Civil War.
Later, it was sung by The Jubilee Singers for President Ulysses S. Grant.
The President turned aside from pressing public duties to give them audience at the White House, assure them of his interest in their work, and hear them sing "Go down, Moses."
--The Story of the Jubilee Singers by J.B.T. Marsh, 1880
Black men assembled in "rejoicing meetings" all over the land on the last night of December 1862, waiting for the stroke of midnight to bring freedom to those states in the secessionist states. At the contraband camp [for runaway slaves] in Washington., D.C., the assembled blacks sang over and over again:
"Go down, Moses...Let my people go."
-- Eileen Southern, The Music of Black Americans: A History, page 236

This Listener's Guide with lyrics and historical information about the music
is available as a PDF sent by email attachment
and includes two additional audio files at no extra charge.

After you have made your payment,
to insure proper delivery of the book (pdf)
and the two music examples
send your email address to:
Civil War Songs and Hymns
Order the accompanying CD:

AMRC CD 0014
all the songs and hymns from
the Listener's Guide available directly from the
American Music Recordings Collection -- click here

"Lincoln and Liberty"
Music From Abraham Lincoln's Lifetime
This book was written by Roger Lee Hall for the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial in 2009. It has been revised and expanded on a multi-media computer disc with background information about Lincoln's love of music, Abraham Lincoln portrait gallery, and an album of music
written during Abraham Lincoln's lifetime.
To order your copy of this special informational book -- click here

Would you like to schedule an entertaining and enlightening music lecture or workshop for your college, church or historical organization
by music preservationist, Roger Lee Hall, about Civil War songs and hymns? Included in his presentation is the story behind the famous Civil War song,
"Battle Hymn of the Republic," and other Civil War songs
rarely heard Civil War era hymns
by Stephen Foster.
To inquire about a program by Roger Lee Hall,
write for details and speaker's fee to:
Civil War music lecture or workshop

An interview with composer, John Frizzell
about his film score for GODS AND GENERALS

Civil War music related links on this site
"Angel of Peace" - The Boston Peace Jubilees
"John Brown (also known as: John Brown's Body)"
"Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground"
"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" - A Civil War Song Marches On

Please help support the Center for American Music Preservation.
Order this limited edition AMRC CD
which includes
beautiful song,
"Farewell Father, Friend and Guardian"
the official funeral song sung at the funeral of
President Abraham Lincoln in 1865