Mr. Hall's most performed and recorded instrumental work!
SMA 1: Piano Variations on a Shaker Marching Tune (Op. 1, No. 2)
This set of 7 variations on a Shaker marching tune for piano soloist
was completed
in 1971 by Roger Lee Hall
and first performed by him at Binghamton University.
The work was published in 1984 and subtitled:
"A Study in Compositional Styles."

"A marching tune" from the Shaker book, A Short Abridgement of the Rules of Music, by Isaac N. Youngs, 1843
Theme: Shaker marching tune, 1843
Variation One: Classical
Variation Two: Romantic
Variation Three: Impressionistic
Variation Four: Bi-tonal
Variation Five: Quartal
Variation Six: Bi-modal
Variation Seven: Twelve-tone
Both these Shaker song arrangements are included on this AMRC CD:

SMA 3: Six Shaker Rounds
Rounds for 2, 3 or 4 voice parts:
1. "Welcome Song" - Rosetta Cummings, Enfield, NH, 1869
2. "Let Us Endeavor" - David A. Buckingham, Watervliet, NY, 1873
3. "Morning Bells" - David A. Buckingham, Watervliet, NY 1873
4. "Christian Love" - poem by Elvah F. Collins, Mt. Lebanon, NY, 1881
5. "Search Thou My Heart" - poem by R. Mildred Barker, Alfred, Maine, 1921
6. "Farewell Song" - Canterbury, NH, 1862
"Welcome Song" and "Farewell Song (We will all go home with you)" are included on this AMRC CD:

SMA 4: Four New England Shaker Spirituals (Op. 40)
For SATB chorus a cappella, 12 pages.
No. 1: Greeting Song - "Welcome, Welcome"
Sister Rosetta Cummings,
Enfield, New Hampshire, 1869
No. 2: Humility Song - "May I Softly Walk and Wisely Speak"
Learned from the singing of Eldress Bertah Lindsay, Canterbury, NH
No. 3: Dancing Song: "Simple Gifts"
Elder Joseph Brackett. Alfred, Maine, 1848
No. 4: Farewell Song - "We Will All Go Home With You"
Learned from singing of Sister R. Mildred Barker, Sabbathday Lake, Maine
All four Shaker spirituals, arranged by Roger Lee Hall,
are available on this AMRC CD:

SMA 5: Two Shaker Prayer Songs
For soloists and four-part choruses based on two Shaker poems by Sister R. Mildred Barker written in the 1920s
Music composed by Roger Lee Hall.
1. A Prayer - for soloist and SATB chorus
2. A New Year's Prayer - for soloist and SATB chorus
These two prayer hymns are performed on this AMRC CD:

SMA 6: Four Canterbury Shaker Spirituals (Op. 42)
Dedicated to Kathryn Southworth
Director, The Canterbury Singers
1. "The Prince of Peace" -- Shaker song compiled by Lucy Williams, 1830s.
2. "Celestial Choir" -- Shaker hymn, 1847
3. "Celestial Praises" -- Shaker hymn given by inspiration, 1841
4. "We Will All Go Home With You" -- Shaker song, 1862
This CD includes numbers 3 and 34 of the Shaker arrangements: