Stoughton Choral Music Series

CDs and DVDs about one of the oldest
singing traditions in the USA



Choral Music CDs:

"Chester" - Music in Old New England

"Peace" - A Dedication Concert

"The Heavenly Vision" - Old Stoughton Music Sampler

"New Jerusalem" - The Stoughton Harmony


Multimedia DVDs:

"Come, Gentle Peace" - A Stoughton Musicfest

"Old Stoughton": Singing Meetings and Concerts

"Dedication": Singing in Stoughton, 1762-1992

"How Beautiful Upon The Mountains": Music by Edwin Arthur Jones



CD Series



Over 70 music examples on these four CDs:




CD No. 1: "Chester" - Music in Old New England, 1778-1878
(AMRC 0041) - 18 tracks

Radio documentary narrated by OSMS Historian, Roger Hall,
with highlights from the Old Stoughton Musical Society's First Fall Music Festival in Bridgewater, Massachusetts on October 14-15, 1978. Composers incluide: William Billings, Bartholomew Brown, Jeremiah Ingalls, Samuel Capen, Lowell Mason, George Root, James Hewitt, Edwin Arthur Jones.

For a list of the music titles -- click here


CD No. 2: "Peace" - A Dedication Concert
(AMRC 0027) - 15 tracks

Read more about this historic concert from November 22, 1981,
to celebrate the Centennial of Stoughton Town Hall (built in 1881), and featuring music by American composers performed by the Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus, conducted by Roger Hall. To see the music titles -- click here





CD No. 3: "The Heavenly Vision" - Old Stoughton Music Sampler
(AMRC 0046) - 24 tracks

A selection of choral music from the 18th to 20th centuries performed by the Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus and includes composers from Stoughton area towns:

Stoughton -
-Edwin Arthur Jones - The Lord is King, 1890
-Roger Lee Hall - Dedication, 1986 and Peace, 1981

Sharon -
-Edward French - New Bethlehem, 1799
-Jacob French - The Heavenly Vision, 1786

Canton -
-Supply Belcher - Make a Joyful Noise, 1794
-Samuel Capen - The Dove, 1805



CD No. 4. "New Jerusalem" - The Stoughton Harmony
(AMRC 0047)
- 27 tracks

Music by Supply Belcher, William Billings, Samuel Capen, Stephen Foster,
Edward French, Jacob French, Roger Hall, Oliver Holden, *Jeremiah Ingalls,
Charles E. Ives, Edwin A. Jones, Daniel Read

*"New Jerusalem" by Jeremiah Ingalls was the most performed tune
by The Old Stoughton Musical Society between 1879 and 1979


All CDs are available by donation
to help support the Center for American Music Preservation

Each CD is available for a donation of $15,
or all four albums on one disc for $48.00 - a 30% discount!

Price includes shipping on any of these titles (USA only)

If you are ordering outside of the USA,
you must pay for Overseas Air Mail.
To pay for this extra shipping,
see "For Overseas (Worldwide) Air Mail"

click here

For USA orders, make your donation
by credit card payable to PineTree Productions,
through safe an secure PayPal at the

CAMP Store









Multimedia DVDs for computer
(historical information, pictures, music, videos)
Compiled and edited by Roger L. Hall



No. 5 "Old Stoughton" -
Singing Meetings and Concerts

$25 (USA)/ $32 (Overseas Air Mail)

Stoughton, Massachusetts has the distinction of having the oldest singing society in the United States of America.

In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the first documented singing meetings in Stoughton, a multi-media computer disc has been prepared by musicologist, Roger Hall, with historical information about singing meetings and concerts in Stoughton, Avon, Braintree, Brockton, Canton, Randolph, Sharon and other area towns.

This survey covers the two hundred years from 1762 to 1912 with the two town musical societies and does not include the music activities of the Stoughton public schools since that is a separate town-sponsored function.

The disc also contains picture galleries with local composers and sheet music, and two music albums with 40 titles.

This DVD-ROM is useful for musicians, musicologists, historians, geneologists, researchers, teachers, students, and anyone interested in local or regional history.

To read more about this disc -- click here



Singing in Stoughton, 1762-1992

Includes a one hour video:
"A Stoughton Musicfest"
with historical commentary plus
the short play, "William Billings Teaches a Singing School"

$25 (USA orders/$32 (Overseas Air Mail)

Read about this book -- click here








No. 7: "How Beautiful Upon The Mountains"
Music by Edwin Arthur Jones -

Included on the DVD playable on computer
are the monograph about his life and music (No. 1 listed above)
plus two music albums with his music and two video programs:
"Centennial Tribute to E.A. Jones" in 1987
"150th Birthday Party" at the Stoughton Historical Society in 2003

$20 (USA orders)/ $25 (Worlwide Air Mail)

To order this multimedia disc -- click here





No. 8: "Song of Our Saviour"
Chamber Music and Choral Music by E.A. Jones

Available on a DVD playable on computer
with the World Premiere Concert Performance in 1992
of the E.A, Jones masterful cantata, "Song of Our Saviour" (1881)

$20 (USA orders)/ $25 (Worlwide Air Mail)


To order either of the multimedia discs
about the music of E.A. Jones -- click here




Please Note:

The above titles are only available from this website
and help to support the Center for American Music Preservation.

To order any of the above titles
make a donation for the specified item
as listed under each title




All the titles
are playable on computer
and contain Microsoft Word documents
and mp3 or Real Audio (.ra) files.


Click on this button to:


After you have made your donation,
to insure proper delivery, please mention the title and send your mailing address to:

Stoughton Choral Music Series










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