The Center for American Music Preservation

announces a major multimedia collection
of research and recordings
Learn about two of the oldest singing traditions in the USA
on this multimedia DVD-ROM for computer.
Both traditions began in the 18th century
still exist today in New England:
The Old Stoughton Musical Society
The United Society of Shakers

"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" -
Two Historic American Choral Traditions
(AMRE No. 6)
This multimedia collection includes an extesnive amount of information
over four decades with over 450 files on the disc,
including over 150 music examples and several videos,
plus sheet music, concert programs, and other historical information.
The extensive resource collection
was written, compiled and edited from over four decades of research
by American music preservationist, Roger Lee Hall.
There are many premiere recordings
of music on the disc,
including the title hymn, "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" (shown above)
words and music by America's first great songwriter,
Stephen C. Foster, and first recorded by
The Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus, Earl Eyrich, Director
DVD Contents in these main folders:
The multimedia computer disc
is ideal for
musicians, historians,
classroom teachers, libraries,
and students.
Order your copy of this valuable research collection today!
This title is NOT available on Amazon or other outlets
and only available at the Store on this website.:
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" -
Two Historic American Choral Music Traditions
Compiled and Edited by Roger Lee Hall
To receive this extensive DVD-ROM,
make your donation
the AMRE No. 6 at the
CAMP Store
See all the titles in the
American Music Resource Editions (AMRE) Series
click here

For further information about the Center for American Music Preservatrion
click here
Contact email -- click here