Singing Cowboy Photos
R.L. Hall (top row in right corner) with The Sons of the Pioneers
(picture provided by Bill McCann)
© PineTree Productions
Below are some photos from my personal collection of popular singing cowboys from the past -- and several that are autographed by them. The autographs and little personal touches like that is what makes these stand apart from music history photo books and makes them something a little more special.
R.L. Hall
Foreman, Cowboy Songs Corral
All the photos on this page are from the Cowboy Songs Corral archives.
Please do not copy them for publication or a website
without first writing for permission.
For permissions, write to:
Cowboy Songs Corral
New multi-media DVD

Cowboy Songs Corral Round-Up
Gene Autry
I was fortunate to get this wonderful autographed photo of Gene autographed in 1990. For many years I have been a big fan of his movies, radio and television programs and also his many recordings.
© 2006
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans
Here is an autographed photo
of the handsome and talented singing duo
along with
Roy's smartest horse, Trigger...
© 2006
Tex Ritter
Singing cownoy, Tex Ritter, is shown in this photo recording at the Capitol Records microphone.
Tex is known for many popular songs including his first hit record: "Jingle, Jangle, Jingle." This song was sung by The Sportsmen Quartette in the Hopalong Cassidy western film, LOST CANYON (1943).
Tex Ritter he is best known for one of the most popular songs from any western film. The song and score won Oscars for the film composer. You can read more about the song and score at this link:
Dimitri Tiomkin's "High Noon"
The King's Men

Hopalong Cassidy with The King's Men
In his book, "Following the Stars" -- Music and Memories of Hopalong Cassidy,
Roger Hall has written about The King's Men, who were the first singing quartet to appear in a Hopalong Cassidy western.
This photo shows the members of The King's Men (without their western outfits).
Pictured clockwise from left to right are:
Jon Dobson, Ken Darby, Rad Robinson, and Bud Linn
(Photo from Films in Review, June - July 1969)
Did you know a member of The King's Men quartet became a very successful
arranger and songwriter at 20th Century-Fox Studios and received three Oscars for his work?
Read a special Centennial Tribute to Ken Darby

You are invited to pick some favorite tunes
in the annual event known as
National Carry A Tune Week
AMP Western Links

Christmas songs by Gene Autry
"Back in the Saddle Again" -- Centennial Tribute to Gene Autry
"Happy Trails" -- Centennial Tribute to Roy Rogers
"Following the Stars" -- James Ellison meets Hopalong Cassidy
"The Last Round-Up" -- A Tribute to Billy Hill
"On the Banks of the Sunny San Juan" -- Centennial Tribute to Eddie Dean
"The Silver Screen Cowboy Project" (CD Review)
If you have a Western Music website and would like to exchange links,
write to:
Cowboy Songs Corral