Hopalong Cassidy Festival
Photo Gallery
In fond memory of Dale Berry and Dick Jones
The 16th Hopalong Cassidy Festival was held from
Thursday to Saturday, May 4 - 6, 2006
in Cambridge, Ohio.
Here are photos from the Festival
(left to right each row):
1. Roger Hall in front of the Festival sign in downtown Cambridge.
2. 1966 Producers Milk Truck at the Hopalong Cassidy Museum.
3. Serge Darrigrand (Tom Mix Look-A-Like) & Francis Reeves (Hoppy Look-A-Like).
4. Cowboy Look-A-Likes at the Festival.
5. Roger Hall talking about Hoppy music and reading from his book, "Following the Stars" - Music & Memories of Hopalong Cassidy.
6. John Buttram, Denny Miller, Dick Jones.
7. Roger Hall and John Buttram.
8. Dale Berry.
Judy Keel holding her late husband Howard Keel's book,
Only Make Believe.
10. Gail Hall and Dick Jones.
11. Gail Hall, Susie Coffman, Roger Hall.
12. Roger Hall and Rita Maenner.
13. Denny Miller.
14. Roger Hall and Festival Director Laura Bates.
15. William Boyd's boyhood home in Cambridge.
16. William Boyd Memorial in Cambridge, dedicated in 1992.
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To read a report on the 16th Annual Hopalong Cassidy Festival
click here
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